Chapter 46

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Joseph's POV

I stormed into the villa still angry at what Persia did. Once I entered everyone frowned ignoring me, there was no sign of Serena. Charles got up and slammed his phone to my chest, I took it off him reading an article about me and Persia. It was a photo of her kissing me but it wasn't like that! "Where's Serena?!" I shouted. "She's gone, she's flying home. How could you do this to her?" Ian scoffed.

"What? No please tell me she's still here! It wasn't like that I swear!!"She kissed me, I pushed her off me and rushed back here! I went to meet Persia to put all her shit behind me and she begged for me to take her back but I refused and when I did she just kissed me but I pulled back straight away! I bet Persia planned this, she told the paps where we would be" I cried.

"Ooookkkk that does sound true but even so, why didn't you tell Serena the truth? She will probably still not forgive you for lying to her, she would of understood you meeting Persia and maybe even gone with you!" Phoebe spat.

"I know that now phoebe! But I need to find Serena". I pulled out my phone and rang her phone but she's blocked my number. A tear escaped my eye. "I'll call her" Danielle said. Her phone rang a few times and Serena picked up. She put it in speaker "Hey Danielle, is everything okay?" Serena sniffled like she was crying. "Erm we have Joseph here" Danielle mumbled, "I don't even wanna hear his name babe, I'm done with him now for good" I grabbed the phone from Danielle. "Serena please just listen, don't hang up! She kissed me I promise you I pushed her away, I met her to put her lies behind me, she begged me to take her back and when I refused telling her how much I loved you she just kissed me, I pushed away straight away! You have to believe me baby... " I said with my eyes filling with tears. "I actually do believe you Joseph now that you've said that, but you lied to me! You told me you were meeting a friend who lived over here, I don't like liars Joseph! So I'm sorry but we're over. I'm hurt, I'm heartbroken about this decision but you're a liar, goodbye Joseph" Serena cried hanging up.
Joseph's lip trembled and more tears left his puffy eyes.

Joseph's lip trembled and more tears left his puffy eyes

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Oooouuuu drama😂 hahah xo

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