Chapter 107

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So today Joseph was filming on the set of the originals with the others and I eventually convinced Joseph to let me come with, I get so bored being home alone! Yes I'm pregnant but Joseph legit thinks I'll die if I leave the house... bless his lil heart. "Are you ready love? Gotta be on set in 15 mins remember!" Joe shouted up. "Yes Joseph I'm coming, I'm pregnant remember? It takes me at least ten minutes to get off the loo" I echoed downstairs. "Shit yeah, of course! I'm sorry. Do you need a hand?" He replied. "No Thankyou joe, I'm almost sure I'm just about capable to wipe my vagina when I've had a wee Hun, Thankyou though" I laughed pulling myself up off the toilet. "I didn't mean that, I meant help you off the toilet, but I suppose I would even help you do that if needed" joe said raising his eyebrows. I wobbled downstairs placing a kiss on joes plump lips "that's nice to know" I half smiled linking arms with him.

Once arriving fifteen minutes late to set we was greeted by an angry mob of people, our best friends.. "where the fuck have you been, we were supposed to film fifteen minutes ago!" Charles groaned. "We always have to wait for you Niklaus, can't start without the famous klaus mikaelson" Daniel scoffed. "I'm sorry guys it's my fault-" Joseph cut me off. "Shut up you plonkers, Serena wanted to come with to see you guys. And if you hasn't already noticed she is heavily pregnant, basically about to pop and it takes her a little longer to move around. So no I'm not going to apologise for being minutes late because I'd rather be assisting my wife than trying to please you lot" Joseph spat. I let out a smile at how protective he was over me. "Yeah the boys are assholes, us girls understand! We love our Joser power couple" phoebe smiled pulling me into a group hug with Claire and Danielle. Daniel and Charles stood looking awkward, Joseph raised his eyebrows sarcastically waiting for their response. "Well then? Nothing to say to that have we boys?" Joseph shrugged lifting his hands up. "I didn't even think, sorry Serena and you joe, sometimes I forget how pregnant you are" Charles smiled scratching the back of his neck. "It's fine Charles honestly, joe just gets very protective". I smiled warmly pulling Joseph into my side rubbing his arm. "I'm sorry daughter, please forgive me." Daniel pleaded. I laughed it off "honestly I'm fine, don't apologise to me, it's my amazing husband who's annoyed at y'all, now stop wasting time and get filming your scenes, go!" I clapped.

"At least they listen to you!" Julie smiled kindly. "Oh my god, hi Julie! I've missed working with you." I said pulling her into a hug. "I know, I've definitely missed you and your writing more! Oh my, look how big you are now, it doesn't seem a minute since you and Joseph told us the news. When are you due?". Julie stood feeling my bump. "Aw I know, time has flown by hasn't it. And I'm due in a couple of days so it could happen any day now!" I eagerly grinned following Julie to watch the others film.

@SerenaMorganI love nothing more than to watch my man film his scenes! 😍Another behind the scenes pic from the originals by meeee😂 (Julie allowed me to post this) //

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I love nothing more than to watch my man film his scenes! 😍Another behind the scenes pic from the originals by meeee😂 (Julie allowed me to post this)


I sat in complete and utter awe watching Joseph play klaus, the way he was so dedicated to the role. Such a talented actor and he deserves endless amounts of awards. His next scene was with Daniel, klaus and Elijah were arguing about klaus daggering Rebekah again which leads to a fight scene. "Don't you dare hurt my mans beautiful face" I squinted at Daniel who laughed winking.

Julie called cut on that scene. "I just think you could do with a little more fierceness Daniel" I hummed. Daniel turned frowning at me, Joseph stood smirking to himself. "You're not even working here at this moment in time so I do not have to listen to you Serena bossy morgan, Julie's the boss here" Daniel replied with a smug smile plastered across his face. "No no I actually agree, we need elijah to look more angry and fierce like Serena said, god I've missed you around here Serena!" Julie clapped hugging me. I tilted my head towards Daniel sarcastically smiling, he looked away shaking his head.

It was time for a 45 minute break for Joseph, Daniel and phoebe whilst the others filmed their scenes. Joseph walked over to me helping me off my seat and leading me to his trailer. "Ahhhh it's so much warmer in here" I cooed wrapping myself in the blanket on joes sofa bed. Joseph dipped down beside me getting under the sheet with me. "Are you tired love?" Joseph whispered into the crook of my neck. "A little" I relaxed into Joseph's strong arms. "Me too, plus I'm to comfy to move now so how about we have a nap, I'll set an alarm for when I have to go film again" Joseph smiled. "Sounds amazing, make sure that you wake me when you do because I wanna see you film your scenes again. Promise?" I demanded. "Promise" Joseph said cuddling me closer to his chest.

Joseph and Serena are to cute I love them😩😍

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