Chapter 134

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Joseph drove Daisy to my parents whilst I stayed home and got ready. It was lovely how he planned this, yano just so we can spend some quality time together. I changed into a tight red knee length dress with some matching heels, I applied my makeup and had a Curley blow dry. I wanted to look good for the last time we will be going out together for a while..

I was ready and sat on the sofa arm waiting for Joseph to arrive back. I heard his car pull into the drive so I skipped outside and Joseph got out and walked round to my side of the car and opened the door for me. "Such a gentlemen" I smiled. "Oh by the way we've just gotta stop off at phoebe and Paul's place along the way, phoebe said they needed to borrow us for five mins" Joseph grinned. "Yeah okay, wonder what it's about? Do you think phoebes preggers?" I raised my eyebrows. "Erm nope, don't think so. Anyway we're here cmon" Joseph smiled helping me out of the car.

I knocked on the door but heard phoebe shout to come in. We walked through the front door and into the living room but all the lights were off. "That's weird where are-" I was interrupted by the light flicking on and a bunch of people jumping from behind the sofas. "SURPRISE" everyone shouted in union. I put my hand over my mouth in shock and looked at Joseph who was just smiling, he obviously knew about it. I looked around to notice it was all of our friends and some of the crew. "Wow oh my god guys, I was not expecting that. Thankyou so much" I grinned greeting everyone. "Did you know about this Josephine?" I winked. "Bloody hell, would you stop with the Josephine" Joseph chuckled. "But yes I did know about it, phoebe put it all together. So we planned a surprise leaving party for you" joe smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Pauly, where's Ian and Nikki?" I questioned. "They're running a little late but Ian texted to say they're on their way". Paul returned. I smiled and had a few drinks with the girls, having the occasional vodka. I mean, why not get a little drunk with my bestfriends and husband before I leave em for a month or so. Finally Ian walked in with Nikki and Matt Davis... "what the fuck is he doing here!!" I panicked to the girls. "Omg did Ian forget you guys dated for years or is he just stupid!!" Phoebe scoffed. "I- I- I've not seen matt in person since he broke my heart into tiny pieces" I coughed. "Does Joseph know?" Danielle asked. "Well when I first got added to the groupchat Paul told everyone we used to date, then phoebe went mad at matt in the chat when I was getting hate on Instagram. And phoebe basically said he broke my heart, but that was a while ago.. me and joe wasn't a thing then so idk if he will remember" I bit my lip.

"I'm not gonna course a scene, I'm just going to ignore him and carry on having fun on my night" I forced a smile and grabbed hands with the girls and began to dance. I saw Joseph, Paul and Matt talking and laughing out the corner of my eye, surely Joseph doesn't remember or he wouldn't be talking to him or anything. Why hasn't Paul or Ian said anything?? I looked to see the boys walking towards us, shit.

I rushed round the other side of phoebe so I was in the middle of all the girls, luckily they knew what I was doing so they stayed where they were. "Serena, what are you doing love, come here babe" Joseph smiled putting his hand out. I took it and awkwardly stood beside Joseph and Paul with matt opposite me. "I don't know if you guys have met but matt, this is Serena. Serena this is matt!" Joseph introduced. I looked at Paul who looked at Daniel like they was about to burst out laughing. "We've already met. I thought you knew about this Joseph, phoebe and Paul said it in the groupchat when I first joined it." I frowned. "Don't" matt pleaded. "Are you serious? Don't? What? Don't tell my HUSBAND that we were in a relationship for 3 years, don't tell him that you cheated on me with some dirty whore whilst I was at home cooking your tea for when you got back from 'work'. Or what about the time when I miscarried our baby and you walked out and left me to be with that whore. You fucking left me with no words or nothing, when I was hurting and when I needed you the most" by now I was in hysterical tears, I never thought I'd have to bring this up again. "You fucking what? I'll kill you!!!" Joseph shouted. "Serena wait, I just came here to say goodbye and apologise for everything I did. I realised how much I missed you and how much I want you back" matt coughed. I spat a laugh, "are you for real? Get the fuck out of my face. I've moved on and wow have I upgraded. Im married to the love of my life and I have a beautiful little girl with him, and I wouldn't swap that for the world. Especially for you" I scoffed and grabbed the cake from the table and squashed it all into his face. "Hey! I wanted to eat that" Daniel pouted.

"I didn't know that Serena, I'm so sorry!! I briefly remember it being mentioned in the groupchat at the start but not to that extent, I love you baby, don't cry" Joseph smiled kissing my lips. "But for YOU!" Joseph pointed at matt. "How fucking dare you? How dare you come here and act like you're friends with me when you did that shit to my wife in the past. And also have the cheek to say you're sorry and you want her back? Pft. Just go before I do something I regret, which would be more than cake on your face" Joseph frowned taking my hand into his. Matt looked like he was about to cry and ran out the front door. Everyone laughed and we went back to having the time of our lives! singing, dancing, playing party games and more.

I'm definitely going to miss these goofy faces.

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