Chapter 136

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I dragged one of my suitcases down the stairs with joe holding the other, I don't think I've smiled once this morning. All I can think about is how I'm not going to see my husband and my baby girl for so long. It was time to drive to the airport, I just held Daisy in my arms and didn't want to let her go! Joseph stood watching us smiling with a hint of sadness. "Are you ready love?" Joseph sighed. I nodded and buckled Daisy in the back seat then sat in front with Joseph.

The drive started off silent, I didn't know what to say without breaking down. I feel like I'm moving away for good! I felt Joseph's hand on my thigh. We stopped at some traffic lights and Joseph looked at me "Are you okay babe?" Joseph asked. I didn't even reply, tears just trickled down my face and Joseph's face softened. "Please don't cry Serena, it's killing me seeing you like this, it's killing me seeing you leave but you'll have an amazing time and great opportunities! I love you" Joseph smiled. "I know but I can't help but get upset about it, it's finally kicked in that I'm not going to see you everyday when you get home from work, I'm not going to see the others on set messing about, I'll even miss Daniels annoying ass face, I won't get to see my little girl grow, I won't get to see her say new words or see her take her first steps. I'm going to miss out on so much! A month is a long time now we have a baby, and what if they need me longer? I can't do this Joseph, just turn back!" I cried. We now arrived at the airport and Joseph parked up. "Hey! Please don't cry, you'll set me off and I'm trying my best to hold it together. We will all miss you so much to and we will come and visit you, i promise. I'll keep you updated on Daisy. We will FaceTime you every day as much as we can, we aren't going back because I know deep down you want this and can do this, you're my amazingly talented gorgeous wife! If you ever need me, no matter how big or small the situation is I'll be on the first flight out there okay love?" Joseph sniffled pulling me into his hold. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and just let out all my tears, inhaling his sent.

"Cmon your flight leaves in 20 mins so let's go wait darling". Joseph smiled wiping my tears away with his thumbs. I unbuckled Daisy and Carried her in my arms and didn't once let her go. Once everything was sorted with my passport we sat in the waiting area, Joseph holding my hand whilst my other hand supported Daisy. I leaned on Joseph's shoulder quietly until I heard my name being called a bunch of times. I looked up to see Phoebe, Paul, Daniel, Ian, Nikki, Danielle, Claire and Charles running towards us. "Did you really think we would let you leave without us saying goodbye in person my daughter?" Daniel grinned. I smiled at everyone and Joseph grinned seeing a smile finally come across my lips and took daisy in his hold. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Daniel. "I'm actually gonna miss you and your ego a hell of a lot" I laughed. Daniel kissed my forehead "and I'm gonna miss you too, you're my favourite girl but don't tell any of these losers" Daniel winked whilst the others rolled their eyes. "Shut up gillies, let go of Serena and let me love my best friend" phoebe tutted.

I eventually hugged and said my goodbyes to everyone and it was time to board my flight. I let out a breath and wrapped my arms around Joseph and Daisy one last time. I looked into his eyes and saw a tear slide down his cheek. "So much for holding the tears in ey?" I laughed wiping it away. "Haha, I love you Serena Morgan, we all love you! Be safe and have the bestest time darling. Stay in touch with us." Joseph smiled kissing my lips. Neither of us wanted to break the kiss until we heard my flight announcing the final call. I kissed Daisy's tiny lips and Joseph kissed my hand as I walked towards the plane. I walked up the stairs and turned back one last time to see my bestfriends, husband and beautiful daughter waving me off. I saw Joseph wipe some more tears and he blew me a kiss. I waved a took my seat on the plane, I put my earphones in and sat back wishing the days away already.

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