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I had so much fun the other day baby, I'm so thankful you're in my life.. sorry about the cringe😬 it must be the Christmas spirit creeping up on me😂

Aw I'm glad you liked it boo, and hahah I'm liking your cringey side! I can't believe it's Christmas tomorrow! I'm gonna miss you so much when you go back to England in the morning😩but I'm sure your family miss you even more! Xxxxx

I don't want to leave you my love☹️ I've been thinking... I know it's short notice but, It's our first Christmas together so I couldn't bare celebrating it without you! So how about you come to England with me? Your family could come to? It's totally your choice darling xxxxx

Aweee babyyyy!  I would love nothing more than to spend it with you and your family also. My family is quite big so it would be hard for them to come to England but I'm sure they wouldn't mind because it is our first Christmas together! Shall I pack and come to your house now? Xxxxx

That's amazing love, and I'll come get you now baby and then we can pick up take out on the way back to mine. Shall we stay in England for 3 days? Come back on the day after Boxing Day? ❤❤

Sounds perfect my loveeeee! See you soon jo xxxx

Christmas Day//
"morning love, merry Christmas" Joseph smiled. "Merry Christmas to you to jo, let's go open presents!" I said excitedly. I loved Christmas i was like a kid again. "How about we open one each and then open the rest when we get to my parents house" Joseph suggested. "Sounds like a plan" I smirked pulling Joseph out of bed to sit by the Christmas tree.
"Ermmmm I'll open this one" I smiled picking up the first present I saw. Joseph quickly grabbed the gift away from my hands laughing "erm nope not that one! You can open that later" he grinned. I half smirked but agreed and opened another which revealed 2 Justin bieber tickets for next year. "AHHHH THANKYOU SO MUCH JO, I CANT BELIEVE U GOT ME TICKETS TO SEE MY FAVE BOY" I screamed hugging Joseph. "Anything for my girl but heyyyy! I thought I was your favourite boy" Joseph said playfully lowering his bottom lip. "You're a close second, only joking babe of course you're my first! Now your turn!" Joseph unwrapped his present which was some of his favourite cologne and a grey Nike tracksuit he wanted. "Thankyou Serena, I love it! How did you know I wanted this?!" He questioned. "I saw you eyeing it up when we went shopping not long ago so I bought it when you weren't looking" I smirked.
"This has been amazing but come on we need to get going to London! Oh and by the way I've got us a private jet so we get their quicker and we have it all to ourselves" Joseph winked. "Don't be getting any rude ideas morgan"

//skip to arriving in England\\

After a long flight we finally landed in a snowy London! I've never met Joseph's family with them living so far but we've spoke on FaceTime ect... Joseph's Mum and dad was waiting to pick us up. "what if your parents don't like me" I said nervously squeezing Joseph's hand. "Don't be daft love, they already love you they've said so, I mean cmon who couldn't love this beautiful face" Joseph said squeezing my cheeks. Joseph's Mum and dad were stood at the car and Joseph's face lit up, he hasn't seen them in so long with him living in America now.  "Joseph!! We've missed you so much" his mum said pulling him into a tight hug and his dad nodding doing the same. "And this must be the beautiful Serena, you're even prettier in person!" Sarah Joseph's Mum smiled and also embraced me into a hug which made me smile.

Once at the Morgan household we gathered round the big dining room table and pulled some crackers, reading jokes and playing games together. I felt like I was accepted and apart of the family. I helped Joseph's Mum plate out the dinner which she seemed thankful for and then sat and ate together, the conversation never stopped flowing with eachother. The night began to came to an end so we opened the rest of our presents together. "Right! Time to go outside in the snow and set off some fireworks" Joseph's dad said standing up. "Oh yeah it's a weird thing we do, it just makes it more happier and brings us together as a family" Joseph grinned as he took my hand following his parents outside.  We each had a glass of mulled wine and Joseph set the fireworks off, it was beautiful.
Joseph stopped and pulled the gift I first picked up this morning out of his pocket. "Almost forgot this one" Joseph smiled nervously with his parents stood smiling watching us. I unwrapped the paper revealing a small velvet box. Joseph took it out of my hands and got on one knee.
"Serena lively, i knew since the first day I met you I would make you mine, I love you and will always love you and want to be able to call you mine forever. Would you do me the honers of becoming my wife?" Joseph questioned nervously waiting for an answer. A tear slipped down my cheek as I blushed. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I love you Joseph morgan" I replied with happy tears now flowing from my eyes. The last firework went off with a loud bang and Joseph's parents stood clapping and congratulating us. Joseph placed the ring on my finger and kissed me, pulling me into his chest and wrapping his coat around the both of us.

Wellllll bet you weren't expecting that! I wasn't either really... just thorght it would be cute on Christmas Day! Sorry it's so long this chapter btw! Thorght id fit it into one. Got some amazing presents today, hope everyone else has enjoyed/ enjoying Christmas to! (Yes I added Justin bieber tickets in here because he's my bae and my sister got me tickets to see him again!! In London this time at Hyde park😬😬 anywayyyy thanks everyone🎄🎄🎄 8+ votes for more xoxox

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