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Okay, okay... So this website that I use to buy literally all my stuff off is still selling the old Lord Of The Rings action figures!!! I NEED THEM!!! Reasons why I need a fucking job, so I can buy more Lord Of The Rings action figures, I have no fucking clue how many I've got already, but since I got them years ago, most of them are pretty much broken or lost.

If you didn't know, I LOVE Lord Of The Rings, and I have for years now, don't know exactly how many years, but it was pretty much the first fandom I got into, then there was Harry Potter and Pirates Of The Carribbean. Those three franchises I've been a big fan of for years now. I've got an idea, let's see around about how old I would've been when I first got into them. Don't know how accurate this'll be though...

So, let's just start off with the fact I was born in 1998, and figure this out.

I think I got into Harry Potter around the time the second movie came out, which was in, 2002, so I would've been, 4 then, but I think I was actually 5, maybe 6, when I first watched the movie, cause I watched it on a video tape along with the first one like, the year after that, or something like that anyway. So, I was probably around 5 or 6 when I first got into Harry Potter, but of course I didn't really understand it that much, I think... And I think started getting the books around when the Order Of The Phoenix book was first released... Actually no, that doesn't sound right... It was when the Deathly Hallows book first came out, which was 2007, so when I first started getting the books I was like, eight or nine. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Okay, with Lord Of The Rings, all the movies were already out by the time I started watching them, so I was maybe, 7? I think... Maybe... And that's around when I got all of those amazing Lord Of The Rings action figures, which I'm not sure where they all are, and I have no clue how many I even had. But damn, they don't make action figures like they used to anymore. The old action figures were great, very detailed too, and some of the ones I've seen these days aren't even that detailed. Now with the books, I've no idea when I first bought them, as it took me awhile to actually buy them. Maybe when I was 12 or 13 did I get them, and since I got all of them from the opshops/second hand shop round my house, each of the books have a completely different cover art, but I'm okay with that.

Now Pirates Of The Caribbean... I think that was around when the second movie came out, and the first one had been out for like, a couple of years already, so I'm just going to take a guess and say, 2005 maybe, so I would've been like, 8 or something, maybe... That sounds about right...

I think the main reason I can kind of remember all of this, is because I have this friend who I pretty much got into all of this with around the same time. Damn, I haven't seen him for awhile now... I wonder if he still lives literally not even five minutes from me... Hmm... Honestly though, we've probably both changed quite a lot since we last actually hung out with each other. I've known him since I was, like 4 years old I think (we went to the same kindergarten together). Damn, I miss going round to his place and playing video games... Awks if he's actually got a Wattpad - which I highly doubt - and he's somehow came across my account, and somehow figured out who I am, and that I'm talking about him...

Hmm, now I'm wondering what ever happened to that other friend of mine who used to pretty much obsess over Doctor WHO with me... Actually, he's the one that got me into Doctor WHO in the first place, around when David Tennant was still The Doctor... Actually, I think last I heard of him, he moved back to England or something...

Damn, that all makes me sound old... And I've literally been some what of a nerd or fangirl since I was like 5... Not to mention that I got into My Chemical Romance at like, 7 or 8, which was around the Black Parade era (I think... Then again, now that I really think about it, it might've been more closer to the Revenge era... Maybe, or I first heard of them then, and didn't get more into them till the Black Parade era), and I've pretty much been into Green Day since forever now... Not really that surprised to see that I haven't really changed all that much...

Another thing that I've liked for years now, are the Powerpuff Girls, and Teen Titans, but I'm not even going to bother to try and figure out when I started liking them... Just know that my sister and I had a fuck ton of Powerpuff Girls toys. Trust me, we had a fucking lot of Powerpuff Girls toys, books and videos. There's a big Bubbles sitting on the floor in my room right now actually. BUTTERCUP IS STILL THE BEST CHARACTER THOUGH!

Huh, now that I think about it, pretty much none of the stuff I really grew up liking were girly in a way... Well, except for me liking Bratz and those old Barbie movies - which are actually still kinda awesome if I'm being honest here - I think I had like, five Bratz dolls, and two Barbie dolls. The Barbie dolls being the Rapunzel doll, and the Swan Lake doll, fuck those dolls were expensive, and I wish I knew where they were and that they were in perfect condition. I also had another little doll from the Swan Lake series, that little girl that could turn into the skunk, and my sister had a doll of that little boy that could turn into the porcupine. I still regret not ever getting those two dolls of Anneliese and Erika from the Princess And The Pauper movie that both could sing, now those were some gorgeous dolls.

This makes sense now as to why I was never really into much girly stuff - aside from Bratz and those Barbie movies - Two of my best friends were boys... Who I haven't talked to in I don't even know how long anymore... Actually, come to think of it, I can only remember two of my friends from primary school being girls - one of which I haven't seen in years now - The rest were pretty much boys... Nothing wrong with that though I suppose... Then my friends from intermediate school were kind of a mix, then college was pretty much just all girls, cause I went to an all girls school, and it fucking sucked.

This part is a total mess... I'm sorry to whoever managed to get through this mess... I'm gonna end this now before I write a lot more than I was planning to, which I pretty much already have...

No one's even really reading this anyway, so ehh... I guess that could be a good thing, as then you won't really see how weird I can actually be...

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