Frodo Baggins Appreciation Post, Cause Why The Fuck Not?

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Frodo Bagins is amazing, and no one can tell me otherwise. He's the first fictional character I've gotten attached to, and he's probably going to stay at the very top of my list of favorite fictional characters, and I'm 100% okay with that.

Fact; I'm not sure if I've said this anywhere, I probably have, but I can't remember, but I live around 40 minutes from Hobbiton. Well, the farm in Matamata where the scenes in Hobbiton were filmed anyway.

Okay, this part is pretty random, but I love Frodo Baggins a lot, okay? And he 100% deserves a part in this dedicated to him.

Okay, this part is pretty random, but I love Frodo Baggins a lot, okay? And he 100% deserves a part in this dedicated to him

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