There are people who actually write, smut fanfictions for Warriors...
Smut fanfictions for Warrior Cats...
SMUT fanfictions for a book series about talking CATS, that are geared towards a younger audience... Then again, the books can be quite violent, but STILL! JUST BECAUSE THERE IS ACTUALLY A COUPLE SCENES WITH CATS GIVING BIRTH (as far as I can remember, there's only like, two or three scenes, and all the rest are just implied), DOES NOT MEAN IT ALLOWS PEOPLE TO WRITE FREAKING SMUT FANFICTION OF THE BOOKS, OH MY STARCLAN...
Just... Why?? Why the fuck would someone even write that?? Do the people who write that realize that it's painful for the female cat to actually mate, or?? The only reason they even mate is to reproduce...
Don't even get me started on these fucking MatingClan roleplay things I've seen floating around...
I honestly don't even want to know what the authors of the books would think of those fanfictions. I know that they do encourage fans to write fanfiction, but in no way do they mean smut fanfiction of their books...
I'm just gonna go, lay on the floor with Dan Howell now...
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