I just wrote up a writing schedule for all of August, and my my wrist hurts...
Reasons why I hardly ever write on paper, it doesn't take long for my wrist to start hurting. I think I fucked my wrist up years ago tbh, and honestly, I don't even think that I can hold a fucking pen properly...
Fuck... they're playing my favorite Linkin Park song on the radio... the song being New Divide...
yeah, my wrist hurts now... It's weird though, it only ever starts hurting when I'm writing, not drawing...
Honestly, I kinda blame possibly fucking up my wrist or something from school a couple years ago, we had to do SO much fucking writing... Especially in social studies, FOUR FUCKING PAGES IN ONE PERIOD, WTF.
I'm just gonna try and finish some chapters right now... thank fuck it'll be by typing them up on my laptop. @ laptop, don't you fucking dare turn yourself off...
here, have a photo of my old boy, Muffy
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wait, wrong photo... wat u doin there Sebby?
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here we go... look at my precious old bastard. he'd be 22 this year if he was still alive...
~ Candy has sore wrist...
Edit; Gaahh!! Too much Linkin Park stuff is on radio right now, fuck!! NotthatI'mreallycomplainingthoughtbh, but...