The PotC Wiki says Jack was born sometime in the 1700s, and Barbossa was born somewhere between 1680 and 1690. It also mentions that it was around the 1740s when Elisabeth left Jack to the Kraken, then At Worlds End occurred pretty soon after that, and the 5th movie is twenty years after that, so around 1760? I guess? So, depending on when exactly Jack was born in the 1700s, I guess he's somewhere between, 40-60? Jesus, I didn't think he was that old...
And then there's Barbossa... Killed by Jack somewhere in the 1740s but Jack at the Isla de Muerta, then ressurected by Tia Dalma sometimes after that. He's still alive in the 5th movie from the trailers, and if my calculations are correct, that movie is around the 1760s. So depending on when Barbossa was born between the 1680s and the 1690s exactly, he'd be around... 70-80...
With Barbossa though you've got to take into consideration that he was cursed for ten (Ithink?) years because of the Aztec Gold at the Isla de Muerta, and then was dead for a couple years after that, before being resurrected by Tia Dalma, so he doesn't exactly lookor kinda? act the age he should be, so because of that, he's maybe physically/mentally between 60-70, but really is between 70-80...
Also, I don't think the age gap really matters all that much, because of the timeframe Pirates of the Caribbean is set in, which is the 1700s
I'm just not too sure if this is a weird ship to actually ship, considering they aren't exactly close at times, but they're not exactly enemies either.
Is this weird, or??
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I don't even know why I kinda have this ship tbh...
Though, I do believe Barbossa gets a bit of amusement from Jack with all his strange antics. He even named his monkey Jack thatwasprobablymoreofajokethough...
Also, fun fact, according to the PotC Wiki, Barbossa had another monkey before Jack. Her name was Polly.