Yeah, well that's me right now. I'm really tired, but I just can't fall asleep,
I think that since I'm awake, I'll try and finish these chapters. Though, if my fucking laptop would work, then this would be so much easier than having to type everything on my tablet...
Here, have a picture of Sebastian Stan.
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In other news, my mum and I went to the SPCA earlier this morning, as they had recently got in a couple of lost/stray ginger cats, and we had kinda lost ours last, June I think, and we were hoping that one of them was him. Turns out neither of them was Happy Boy. We got Happy Boy off a lady who had died last year, and Happy Boy was a rather timid cat, and I think it was, a couple of days after my mum brought him home, he ran off. I think anyway, I wasn't home when she had brought him home, I was out in Te Puke for a week babysitting for a friend. Honestly, she shouldn't have brought Happy Boy home so soon, or just left him with this guy we know (itwashisauntwhohaddied... Hefoundherdeadinherhome.. Ithinkshehadbeendeadfor, two, maybethreedayswhenhefound her) with the other three cats that the lady owned, since his house is out the back of her old home.
Other than that though, we had a quick look at all the other cats and kittens that they had up for adoption, and OMSC, there were so many gingers. (Ifyoudidn'tknow, gingercatsaremyfav). There were even a couple female gingers (idkexactlyhowraretheyreallyare, butmostgingersyouseearemale. Idoactuallyhavea 10 yearoldfemaleginger, she'salittleshitthough, andisturningintoanoldgrump) There was actually these two really sweet cats, that both myself and my mum wanted to take home, one was a black and white male, and the other was a calico Iguess? she had more white on her than anything though, but those two were so beautiful.
There was also two black and white kittens there, that seemed as though they'd be a bit of trouble, they were jumping around play fighting in their little room section thing (idkhowitisintheUSwiththeroomsofcatsforadoptions, butinSPCAsinNZ, oratleasttheonthat'slike, afiveminutewalkfrommyhouse, there'sabout, tensmallcubicleroomthingsthatusuallyholdabouttwoorthreecatsineach, or hold fourorfivekittens) Another little kitten didn't want to let go of my shoe lace either.
We didn't go look at the dogs and puppies. Idk if you have to sign something to view the dogs and puppies in America or not, but we've got to do something like that to actually look at the dogs and puppies, unlike with the cats and kittens, where all you need to do, is go into the room where they're all (wellmostofthem) are in. I'm not sure what it is exactly you need to do to view the dogs, but I believe you may have to sign something. All I know is, that you can't just go into the area where there pens are, without doing something first, what it is exactly, I'm not really sure.
Alright, this went on longer than necessary...
Ooh! I think it's starting to rain now!! Perfect!! I honestly love the rain!!
~ Candyistired, butcan'tsleep, and also wantstogo and adopteverycat and kitten from theSPCA