So, I found this tag thing on Instagram, and I'm bored right now, and should be writing chapters, so I thought I might do this here.
No idea who originally made this tag thing though...
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1) First OTP
I honestly can't remember what my first ship was, I'd say Kellic, but honestly, I doubt it was even that. So, I'm just going to go with Aragorn X Arwen from the Lord of the Rings. That, was probably my first ship anyway, so, yeah.
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2) A Healthy Ship
A healthy ship? Ah man. Hmm... No lie, this one was hard to figure out... Umm... I think I'm going to have to go with Ravenpaw X Barley (or RavenBarley) from the Warrior Cats series.
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3) A ship that deserved better
Ship that deserved better... Hmm... I mean, there's tons in the Warrior Cats series I guess, but I don't want to use too many of those in this... Ya know what? I'm gonna go with Steggy for this.
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