Fuck, it feels really weird not having our dog, Chevy, around anymore... It's also too quiet now...
He recently passed away sometime between 3am and 4am on Monday the 12th of June (2017).
Honestly, I only just got over it feeling weird not having my old cat, Muffy, around anymore after we had to get him put down on August 6th 2014... yes... I remember the exact date, and time too, come to think of it... Well, not the exact time, but sometime around 4pm anyway... I remember other things that occurred when we took him to the vet also, which I'm gonna try and not think about right now. We didn't stay there when the vets put him to sleep though, I just couldn't do that, which means we never got to take him home to bury... But honestly, it still feels weird not having that ginger grump around anymore. I did have him all my life though, considering he was three years older than me. I was actually hoping that Muffy would make it to 20, but 19 is a good old age for that old bastard. Have I mentioned that at 19 he could still make it up onto my top bunk?
Yeah, so... It really feels weird not having Chevy around now. He was old though, he turned 13 this year.
Okay, but I'm annoyed at the fact that Chevy never got to see his brother, Sammy, one last time before he died. I knew we should've taken him to Waihi with us the week before he passed. He actually was perfectly fine then, too. I can't even remember when the last time was that he even got to see his brother...
I think he had something wrong with his kidneys or something... He was drinking a lot. We don't actually know what was wrong with him, we never got the chance to take him to the vet. We were going to on Monday, but he passed early that same Monday morning. He could barely move the night before.
I'm pretty sure our cat, Nala, knew something was wrong - she was sleeping in the lounge along with Chevy, probably not right next to him though, more like on one of the couches - as somewhere between 3am and 4am, she came sprinting down the hallway into my parents room. And when she's running through the hallway, she doesn't exactly do so very quietly.
Now, just hopefully Nala doesn't go anytime soon... That ginger princess is 10 currently... Though, I think we may need to take her to the vet sometime again, as she's got this flea allergy or something - at least, we think that's the cause of her scabs, as last time we de-fleaed her, her scabs went away, but now they're coming back, now that the de-fleaing has worn off - she's also been throwing up a lot lately - well, not as much as she used to - which is one of the reasons we may need to take her to the vet again to see if this time we can figure out what's wrong with her. Last time, we took her there, we didn't even find out what was wrong really, just that maybe she's got a skin condition or something that she'll always have.
okay, I've nothing else to say in this part...
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~ Candy is just feeling really weird, and bleurgh...