Ugh, I Need Money...

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You know how I mentioned awhile ago that I might have a job soon? I still haven't heard back about it yet, and I honestly just really want them to contact me about it soon...

I like, really need the money right now (I literally only have $8 right now, and considering how fucking expensive everything is here, that won't go far at all), and this job would be a very good thing for me. I mean, I've only applied for nightfill / stocking shelves at the grocery store near me with the hours being like, 10pm to 4am, but still...

I just want to hear back from them soon... I know they're short on staff and all, since my mum works there.

I guess while I wait for them to contact me about it, I can try and get as much writing done as possible...

~ Candy just wants to hear back about this job soon...

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