So, my sister and I just got back from looking round all ten of the opshops/secondhand stores around where we live, and I actually found some pretty decent stuff.
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I mean, there was more stuff I could've got, but we only had $10 each, and some of the stuff is rather pricey. Years ago though I would've found a lot more than this, though. One year I've found about 15 Goosebumps books back when one of the shops had a deal for 10 books for $1. I'm pretty sure that deal was only with children's books though.
Anyway... I'll just post close up pictures of what I got.
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I'm not sure what Doctor this is for, maybe the third, but idk. All I know is that it's one of the older Doctors.
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I really was not expecting to find this at all. Not to mention in a FREE bin at one of the shops. (Someofthemhavefreebinsofstuff)
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Okay, I already have a copy of this, but this is a different edition. And it's Pirates of the Caribbean, I couldn't just leave it there. IsaythatwhenIleftanothercopyoftheCurseoftheBlackPearlatone of theshops, andacopyofOnStrangerTidesatanother. ButthosewhereeditionsthatIalreadyhave.
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Yes, I like One Direction... Not ashamed. It was only $2 anyway. Though, I would've preferred if it was their album Made in the A.M. instead, but ah well.
So, that's all I got. My sister found a 1st edition hardcover of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in the original cover though. And she also found a My Little Pony plush toy... (She's 16 inAugustBTW. Nothingwrongwithbuyingplushtoysatthat age. Though, wetendtostickwithgettingplushtoysfromcertainmoviesorsomething, insteadofjustanyrandomplushtoy.)
There was actually a plush Care Bears Goodluck Bear that I could've gotten, but that didn't happen. My sister and I used our leftover money to get pizza for lunch. We were gonna get $5 hot chips, but all 3 of the fish and chip shops round here were closed (noideawhytbh), so we just got a $5 pizza from Pizza Hut instead. (Butthenwegetbackhometofindthatwe'regonnahavepizzafordinner, ah well... Thoughassomeonewho'snotreallyabigpizzaeater...)
~ Candy'sbeenwalkingfor about three hours, andherfeethurtnow.