Okay, nothing bad has happened coz of the title, I swear.
Alright, so tomorrow, my mum and I are planning on maybe walking around the Mount. Unfortunately that doesn't mean walking around the shops at the Mount, but instead it means walking up the actual Mount Maunganui... Well, not exactly walking up the mount, more like walking around it I guess... BUT STILL. I am not very stable on my feet.
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^^ That, fucking mountain there, is Mount Maunganui... (I didn't take that photo BTW, I found it on Google) That's what my mum and I are planning on walking around tomorrow... At least we're gonna go to Starbucks afterwards though.
Side note; that water looks bloody good right about now...
I've only been to Starbucks once before, can you tell which I'm looking forward to more? Honestly, I just want coffee... Damn, I never thought I'd even be much of a coffee drinker... And yet I'm on my fourth cup of coffee right now, iced coffee right now actually, cause why not?
It doesn't help at all that the weather has been too fucking hot to do anything lately - well, it's not too bad right now as I'm typing this actually - and hot weather mixed in with walking around the mount?? I'd rather take death.
Why can't we just go to Te Puke to see our short lil Hobbit friend, and have a couple of drinks with her?? I say Hobbit, cause she's really short. She's just below my shoulder, and I'm around... 5'2 or something. I think, I don't really know how the height stuff works like that, but I know I'm around 1.58m, or maybe 1.60m... idrk...
So... If none of you hear from me after tomorrow, I've probably fallen off the Mount...