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Yes, my Barbossa Funkos is standing next to them, cause why not? He's the only other PotC thing I've got, apart from another copy of Dead Man's Chest, a video game that's missing the disc, and I've got a Captain Jack Sparrow action figure somewhere (that Ican'trememberwhereIgothimfrom. PossiblyatoneoftheopshopsnearwhereIliveforlike, somewherebetween 10 - 50 cents) I have no idea where he is, probably under my bed somewhere, but I think his head came off... Oh! I do actually have a Dead Man's Chest chaptered book of the movie (thatactuallycoversthewholemovie, unlikemyCaptainAmerica; TheWinterSoldierbookthatonlycoverslike, halfthemovie...) and I actually think I gave a couple other mini PotC figurines somewhere from these blind bags I used to get years ago, don't know where those are and which ones I've got though. I think I had a poster of the Dead Man's Chest also, but that was years ago around when that movie first came out.
Honestly, the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies are ones that I never get sick of watching over and over again. Though, I don't actually watched the fourth one as much as I've watched the first three... The fourth isn't as great as the first three either tbh.
Actually, the day after it comes out at the movies, my sister and I are going to go to this Armageddon Expo thing. It's kinda like Comic Con I guess, but not as big. I'm planning on cosplaying as The Winter Soldier, while my sister, PhanTrash_Kiwi is planning on cosplaying as, Hanji from Attack On Titan. DidIspellhernameright? I'veneverwatchedAttackOnTitanbefore, butitalmostfeelsasthoughIhavefromallthestuffmysisterhassaidaboutit.
~ Candygonnago watch The CurseOfTheBlackPearlnow...