Part 2

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I sneak through the corridors and hallways quietly. I get to Undyne's office and grab a large map off the wall. I step out and check the hallway, all clear. He sound of Undynes voice has me running a reach the closest stairway and climb. I run with this huge map in my hand, I stop and fold it. I pop it in my pocket when I here Undyne call out for me. I move from walk to a light run, careful not to draw attention to myself. I pass one of the other guards, a big dog with white fur. I pass by him too slowly, Undyne rings through the radio. Says track me down, I move into a sprint as the dog replies. I get to my third floor room and slam the door behind me. I move my dresser and vanity to make a barricade, but I know it won't hold. I grab my map and shove it in my bag, I throw it over my shoulder. I open the window as a loud bang comes from the door.
"Punk get out here!" Undynes giving more of a threat than an order. I toss my bag out the window, I get up to jump. This isn't the first time I've tried to run away, but it's the first time I'm jumping from the third floor. I hop to the closest tree, and led myself fall to the ground. I hit the grass as my bedroom explodes, guess Undyne got tired of her fists. I grab my bag and bolt into a sprint, I run. I don't need my map to take me to snowdin, sans took me plenty of times with Undyne. I slow down to walking, I don't need the extra attention. I head over to grillby's, it's been eight years. I walk in and take a seat at the bar, Grillby walls up.
"You must be new here," he doesn't remember me, that's good.
"Uh yep, what's good?"
"The fries, and the burger," he points to the sign, before shifting his strong gaze back to me. "You look familiar, you sure this is your first time here?" I can't let him know, if Undyne came here, she would not leave till she found me.
"I'm pretty sure it's my first time here, but my names Fern, if that rings a bell," I shrug. He chuckles.
"No, it really doesn't ring a bell, names Grillby."
"Oh! This is your restaurant?"
"Wicked! Um, can I get some fries please?"
"Sure missy, it'll be 8 gold though," I laugh and pay, he drops the coins in the register and heads into the kitchen. The squeak of leather pulls my attention to the side, and sitting right there, Sans. I look away.
"Mind watching my seat?" I ask without looking.
"Sure," his voice! God I haven't heard his voice in so long! I hurry to the bathroom and splash some water on my face.
"He left you," I spit the words like venom to myself in the mirror. "He can't know, he doesn't deserve to know," I nod to myself and exit the washroom. I sit back down as Grillby returns with my food.
"Thank you," I nod and take a bite, they are hot. He spots sans.
"Sans? Is that actually you?"
"Who else would it be?"
"But it's been so long."
There was a long silence, sans was actually confused. I desperately want to hug him, but I can't. Grillby slowly walks away.
"Got a name?" I bite my tongue, and turn around.
"Fern, your name Sans?"
"Yep, I got a question for ya Fern," I shrug. He grabs my wrist, tightly. His eye sparks blue, he gets up in my face. "I got a friend who lives in the castle, so why did you jump out of her window as it exploded, where is she?"

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