Part 27

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I can just here the waterfall, just a little bit further. He's fast, and the darkness gives me unlimited stamina. My glow floats out of my chest, glowing just ahead of me as I run. Someone's using magic to trace me.
"Sans stop," I run with tears in my eyes. "This is how it has to be," I force my soul to summon magic, I guard my soul, making it no longer traceable. My legs are about to give, I'm so close, I can see the waterfall now. I pull my crystal talisman, the darkness latches to me as I run, pain lacing my blood. I grit my teeth and keep my speed. Darkness leaches into my veins, reclaiming my soul. My legs start to slow, the falls are so close. I get close enough and let myself fall. My talisman behind my back I face Grillby. He looks unfazed, like he just served a drink at his bar. The darkness sprouts from his back looking like dark tentacles of shadows and tar. They all shoot at me as i struggle to move back, I know what I have to do but that doesn't stop the fear. They shoot into me, piercing my arms legs and torso. The explode inside me, filling me with the rancid black substance. I feel like I'm going to explode, the pain is like a delicious high. The darkness flows freely from Grillby to me, my body isn't fighting it like it did when I was younger, it's accepting it. Grillbys flames start to return to their orange yellow. Almost... there. The pain climbs up my body, hitting my chest with a pressure of heat and air. Grillbys stance falters, he starts to loose his strength, starts to sway. He's almost free of the darkness! The darkness crawls up my neck exploring each vein with a hunger and lust. The darkness detached from Grillby and he falls to the ground unconscious. Finally! Now all I have to do is-

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