Chapter 13 - Stoplight Rage

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Perrie's POV

What was taking Jade so long? I know brushing your teeth takes time but she was taking a really long time. Then I heard steps coming down the steps. "Jade?" I said as I turned around.

"Yeah, what's up?" "What took you so long?" She stopped for a second to think about what she was going to say. "Uh, I was looking for the toothbrush. It took longer than what I expected."

"Okay. I heard you talking upstairs. Was Summer awake or something?" She thought about that too. "Nope. Just talking to myself." She said as she grabbed her jacket and her phone. "So, where are we going?" She asked me.

"Uh well, since we both woke up really early..we should just go out for breakfast, yeah?" She nodded. We both went outside and got into my car. I turned on the radio and the song, "We Don't Talk Anymore" was on. "Hey, I like this song." We both said at the same time. "Really?" We both said again.

We both laughed and started to dance in our seat.

We wee like, 'Why not?' Might as well have a little fun in the morning with some dancing

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We wee like, 'Why not?' Might as well have a little fun in the morning with some dancing. "WE DONT TALK ANYMORE!" Jade yelled out. Haha, it was very fun and I decided to join in.

"WE DONT TALK ANYMORE LIKE WE UUUUUSED TO DOOOO!!! HAHAHA!!" I've never had so much fun like this with Zayn. He was always on his phone or talking to someone.
"WE DONT LOVE ANYMORE!" We both shouted. Not on purpose but not accident and our hands kinda touched..

"Oops sorry about that.." I apologized and I kinda smile. "No no it's my fault." She smiled too. Anyway, we continued singing until we stopped at a red light. A car had pulled up next to us and told us to roll our windows down.

"Hey!" The woman said. "Yes, may I help you?" I said ever so politely as I could. "Turn that stupid music off! You teenagers are stupid!" She said yelling at us. I have no idea why she was so upset as US. I mean almost everyone plays their music this loud. It's not just us.

"Um ma'am, we're adults. We can turn it down for yo--"
"Yes I would very much appreciate that. What a bunch of hooligans messing around in a car." She mumbled but it was still loud enough for me to hear.

"Miss, you don't have the right to call us hooligans if you don't know us. That's just down right wrong and immature of you. You should know bett--" Then the car behind us honked. I looked at the light and it was green. I got so scared that I just drove off.

"I'm so sorry about that Jade. Ugh, its people like that that I can't stand. Why do they just have to say something rude like that? And she didn't even know us!" Jade patted my back and said, "I know hun, I know. But we were playing it a bit too have to admit. I could've told you but I didn't want you to get mad."

"I understand. I just wished that she wouldn't have called us that name. That's very disrespectful to call someone a name even though you don't know him or her or them." I rolled my eyes and my stomach growled.

"Wow, guess I'm really hungry from having that argument." We both laughed and then her stomach growled. "You know what? Same. Haha." She chuckled. What should we eat though?

Geez, I've never had that happen to me before. It was weird because I usually don't yell like that.

Anyways, food wise, huh?

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