After Friday night.
Another Monday night and I'm home alone. Pixie was at work still. She doesn't get off till 7 or 8. She works overtime to make more money. Me? I work at home. What do I do? It's kinda complicated to explain. Let's just say that I do a lot of studying. My dog Josie is always with me. I've had her for a few years. I've had her even before I met Pixie. Pixie. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's beautiful, smart, funny, cuddly, she can sing, has the most amazing laugh, beautiful smile, you get it.
Without her, I don't think there would be anyone else. Well, besides the blonde beauty but that was a couple nights ago. I miss seeing her. She was almost as beautiful as pixie. They're both blonde. I think I have a thing for blondes. But Pixie has brown eyes and blonde has blue. I've always loved blue eyes. Anyways, it was getting kinda late so I decide to text Pixie.
Jadey - Hey babe, are you on your way home?
She didn't answer me right now. She's probably driving. "But my mind won't stop, it's just 11 blocks.." I slowly sang as I read my book.I love reading but sometimes it can get really boring so I mix reading with something else. Then my phone buzzed.
Kailee - Baby, I miss you.
Oh, Kailee? She's my ex. A crazy one actually. She won't leave me alone and she thinks that I'm gonna come back to her.
Then my phone buzzed again, thinking is the ex.
Pixie - Hey babe, yeah I'm stuck in a bunch of traffic. Will be home soon!
Kailee - Please answer me Jadey..
God, she's like that one homework problem that you just need to figure out in order to get it right, but it's just so hard that you can seem to find any clues. No? Just me? Alright.Sometimes, I like to play with Kailee and make her seem like I'm coming back.
Jade - Hey baby, I miss you too.
I sent her the text and I laughed a bit. The funny thing is that she replied almost instantly.
Kailee - Omg Jade, I can't believe you still said that! I think we still have a connection here love.
Connection? Ha, right. She broke up with me. She accused me of cheating because I was walking with my best friend on the way home from work. Yeah I hugged her but doesn't everyone hug their best friend?
Jade - Yeah we sure do.I rolled my eyes. How could she possibly think we still had a connection. I can't believe I fell for her. What did she look like? Black hair..waist length, light blue eyes, small shy smile, her hair was naturally wavy so whenever she would get out of the shower, it was always be poofy, she was shorter than me.
Kailee - Can we meet up? Please, I really wanna see you again..
Should I say yes? Or no? If I say yes, then I'll have to stand her up. If I say no, then she'll get upset and start yelling at me. Then I heard the garage open. I laughed at the message that Kailee sent me as Pixie came in."What's so funny?" Pixie said as she kissed me on the cheek. "Oh it's just Kailee. I'm playing her again." I said to her. She wasn't mad at me texting my ex. As long as there's nothing there, she's cool with it. "Come here. Take a look." I said showing her my phone. As she was reading the messages, another text came in.
Kailee - You're not with that Pixie girl, are you Jadey?"
Pixie saw the message and she kinda got heated and shouted, "Of course I'm still with her you stupid little bitch!" I rubbed Pix's back and told her to calm down.
I didn't answer Kailee this time.I put my phone away and decided to make dinner and let her cool off for a little while..what should I make?
"Hey Pix, what should I make?" I asked her while looking through my cook book.
"I don't know, just make anything delicious." She said while looking through Netflix on the TV. "What do you wanna watch?" She said as she scrolled through the categories. I thought about it and said, "I wanna watch a comedy show. I want something that'll make me laugh."She picked something and I sat down with her, and we watched the show until the food was done. It was just another Monday night.

Party Girl // P.E. & J.T. ~ BOOK 1 (Completed)
Fanfiction"I love you.." "I don't know if I feel the same." "Why?" "Because we're different people.." "Opposites attract.." "Only sometimes..only sometimes.. I'm already in love with someone else." >>> PLEASE READ BELOW <<< Hey! Thanks for reading! So p...