"I love you.."
"I don't know if I feel the same."
"Because we're different people.."
"Opposites attract.."
"Only sometimes..only sometimes.. I'm already in love with someone else."
Hey! Thanks for reading! So p...
Jade's POV "How do you feel about me?" She asked me. Oh great. Should I tell her the truth? I mean, since I heard her say that she basically liked me..I guess I should tell her. Right?
"Uh.." was all I said. How should I put it? "Well..Perrie.." I said. Words words words. Come on Jade! Say something! "I've liked you since the day I bumped into you which was only a couple days ago.."
"Anything else?" She said looking down like she was sad. I don't want her to be sad. "Yeah there's more. I couldn't stop thinking about you either. I told my girlfriend..well, ex-girlfriend, that I didn't meet anyone at the club that was more beautiful than her." She nodded her head.
"You know what?" I said trying to get her to look up at me. And it worked. "What?" She said with her beautiful blue eyes. "I had a nickname for you. Of course, at that time..I didn't know your name." I laughed a bit. She tilted her head to the side and said, "What was it?"
She was smiling. "There's that beautiful smile!" I said making her laugh. "It was blonde beauty. I didn't know what else to call you so I just called you that." She smiled even more now. "That's a very sweet nickname. I love it! What should I call you? As a nickname, of course."
"Uhh, just call me Jadey. That's what my mom used to call me when I was little before she..um..passed away." Her smiled faded into a frown. "Oh Jade, I'm so sorry.. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me. I don't really feel comfortable with talking to other people about my mom. I just feel like it's just..just...it just doesn't feel right.
"No.." I said with a small smile. "Maybe some other time when it's not early in the morning, alright?" I said to her. She checked her phone and said, "Oh right. I'm really sorry about that Jadey." "No really, it wasn't your fault. I was the one who woke up and asked you that question. There's nothing to apologize for." I said trying to make her feel better.
"Okay. Are you tired?" She asked. Her eyes were wide open but I could tell that she was trying to keep them open. "Yeah a bit. Let's go to sleep. You should try." I said to her. She was nodding off but it wasn't that bad. After all, it was 2am. "Okay. I'll try. But can you do me one favor?"
I chuckled a little bit and said, "Yeah what is it?" "Can you sing me a song? So that I could fall asleep faster." I thought about it. Do I really want to sing right now? But I don't want to upset her or anything. "Fine, what song do you want?"
She thought about it and finally said, "How about you sing the song you sang when we were doing karaoke? The..um..Sam Smith song? Stay with me?" She looked up at me. "Alright, do you want me to start from the beginning or the chorus?" I asked her.
"Any part would be lovely, you have an amazing voice." She said to me while she put her head in my arms. I couldn't believe it. This girl..might be the girl I've been looking for my whole life. Pixie was alright but Perrie might be..be perfect.
"Alright," I said before I started singing. "Oh won't you stay with me? Cause you're all I need..this ain't love, it's clear to see..but darling won't you, stay with me.." I continued the song from there and she slowly started to fall asleep.
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She looked so peaceful while she was sleeping...like..