Chapter 20 - You Didn't?

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Perrie"s POV

It's already been 3 days later and still, no sign of Jade anywhere. No texts, no calls, no emails, not even any message from Jesy and Leigh. I've been all by myself. Well, except for my mom and my siblings coming to see me but I still miss Jade. I write a message to her almost every hour but I never send it because I always think that it's never good enough. I try to call her but I never know what to say.

I'm leaving the hospital in a few hours but even though I want to go see her, I still don't know if I can face her knowing how much I hurt her. I know that it's not really a big deal but it seemed like it to her. I love her, I do. But I also want to make things right with her. I want to get back were we started..and make it all right.

Then someone walked in. "Hello hello! Miss Edwards, someone brought you some flowers and decided to bring it up here anonymously." I smiled, was it Jade? It has to be Jade. Who else could have done this for me? "Thank you so much. They're beautiful, aren't they?" I asked her. "Yes they are. Are they your favorite?" I shook my head, "No but they're very lovely."

"That's just nice though. Anyways, I should go and leave you alone to admire them." Before she walked out I asked her, "Oh wait, is there a card?" She turned around and said, "Yes there is." "Do you know who it's from?" She walked back to the bouquet and said, "It says it's from an anonymous person." I smiled.

"I think I know who it's from." I smiled again thinking of her. Jade doesn't know what my favorite flowers are but at least she tried. I decided to texted her. I wanted to thank her for the beautiful flowers. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for the flowers. They're very lovely. Please come visit me sometime." I typed. I was about to send it until someone else walked in.

"Hello?" Said a familiar voice. I looked up and it was Jade! "Oh my gosh, Jade! Thank god you came back!" I said as I tried to get up. "Woah, be careful there. Don't hurt yourself, alright?" She said laughing. "Haha it's so good to hear your voice and your laugh again." I said to her, looking up at her. "I've missed you over the past few days. It was lonely here." "Yeah I know." She said to me and she looked over at the flowers.

"Oh those, yeah thanks for getting me those. They're really nice." She turned to look at me with a confused face and said, "I didn' you know who else could've gave you those? I mean, I was about to but I didn't think you wanted them at the moment." I thought about it. Do I know anyone who knows that I'm in the hospital? "I mean, there's mom, my siblings, Jesy, Leigh, and you. I don't know anyone else who would."

"Well, this just became a mystery, didn't it?" She chuckled a bit. "That's not important right now. What's important is that I'm staying with you until you get to go home." She said as she hugged me. "I missed you too. I didn't know if you wanted to see me or not so I didn't come to see you." I laughed a bit. I found it a bit silly about how all of this turned out.

"Isn't it funny how we ended up this way?" "Funny, cause I was just thinking about that!" We both laughed. She held my hand and I held onto hers. "What do you want to do when I get home?" I asked her. "Just chill at home. Do nothing. I just want a relaxing day. All 3 days I've just been tensing up to see you." I said holding her hand a bit tighter. I decided to change the subject. "You know what my favorite song to sing is?"

"You have multiple favorite songs but I can't just pick out just one." "Well, my favorite song is Style by Taylor Swift. Wanna sing it with me?" I thought about it. "Here? In a hospital?" "We can sing it quietly." She nodded her head..we started to sing and we laughed.

It was so great to have her here..but who sent me the flowers?

Party Girl // P.E. & J.T. ~ BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now