Chp. 4 "A New Face"

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Chp. 4 "A New Face"

Waking up for school on this Tuesday morning was a drag. My eye lids were heavy with sleep while I tried to drag myself to the bathroom. I turned on my shower on and stripped, stepping into the steaming water as I felt the hotness rush over me. Soon I was awake as I remembered Avery and I were supposed to work on our project today after school, which excited me.

I hurried to get dressed and headed towards Max’s house, hoping he wouldn’t be late considering we were behind on time already.

I drove up into his drive way and honked like I usually did, and to my surprise he was walking out his door pretty soon. He sat next to me and smiled, “Morning.”

I nodded, knowing he was so odd because he was eager to get to school. He looked back at me and sighed, “So have you and Avery started on your project?”

“Not yet, today after school we’ll start.”

He nodded and smirked, “You excited?”

I shrugged, “It’s just a project?”

“I know but you finally got paired with Avery, and I know how big a crush you have on that girl.”

He was right, we both knew that, but I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it. I mean of course I wanted to score points with Avery but what was the point in getting my hopes up? I barely knew her, for all I know she could be as straight as an arrow and just be really friendly. There was just no point in getting high expectations when reality had a funny way of shutting them down.

I pulled up into the parking lot and parked quickly, reaching in the back seat and grabbing my booksack. I opened my door to join Max outside when I heard him speak, “Speaking of the angel…”

I squinted in confusion, stepping out of my car and coming face to face with Avery. We were inches apart but for some reason I wasn’t the least bit uncomfortable. She smiled, “Hi… sorry, I just wanted to talk to you before class.”

I looked at Max who was smirking, “I’ll meet you two in class.”

He disappeared through the cars as I locked mine and started to my locker with Avery by my side. She sighed, “Ok, so I get out of school after third hour…”

“Me too,” I looked at her, seeing her light blue green eyes fall from mine to the ground in shyness, making me smile.

She nodded, “Good, so do you want to come over to my house after? I picked up some stuff and I left it there…”

I smiled, I really couldn’t believe Avery Ryan was inviting me to her house… I responded with a slight nod, “Yea that sounds good.”

I watched a slight smile grow on her pink lips as we approached the double doors, allowing me to open it up and let her in. She responded, “So I don’t really know much about you Andy, besides that you’re pretty smart. I would like you ask you something that’s kind of personal, but don’t feel like you have to answer it cause you don’t.”

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