Chp. 63 "Late Night Talk"

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Chp. 63 “Late Night Talk”

After the meeting with Walker everything inside me seemed to become tense with nerves, and I knew it was because I had agreed to the absurd plan he had pitched. He was right; it was most likely our only way inside of the Defense Department at the F.P.S. Although, I knew that going in there with Max would leave me only one choice if I ended up coming face to face with General Pearce.

I would be expected to kill him instantly.

The plan seemed fairly easy, but executing it carefully was key and not getting caught doing something I shouldn’t be doing.

Walker had explained how killing Pearce would be the end to all our problems. He explained how Pearce had been put into power and had the ability to go to extensive legal measures to get what he wanted. Although Walker’s plan seemed to be shaky, I understood one thing.

Eliminating Pearce would finally stop the absurd Super Soldier idea, at least temporarily, if not… I would continue being hunted and risk the human population. If Pearce was taken out then debate would spark, and people would be able to defend their argument against the idea, knowing they wouldn’t be able to with Pearce still alive.

He would have them killed if they protested.

Walker had explained how they were oppressed over there, and how free will was no longer an option, especially in the Defense Department. If you were given an order, no matter how crazy, you had to do it, or you were fired or killed, depending on the importance of the mission.

It was actually pretty terrifying.

We had left immediately after the meeting because we all had preparation to run, including Walker. The plan was diverse and seemed to be carefully thought out, which was something that bewildered me because we came up with it within an hour of being together.

But it seemed fairly doable.

We were heading back to the Bureau now, and Avery seemed to be passed out on my lap. she was still, and her breathing was slow, and I knew it was late and had been a long day.

I was ready to just sleep.

Roger spoke, “Andy, you and Taylor are going to need to train. You need to be able to master teleportation and certain techniques if we’re going to go through with this plan.”

I felt my heart grow heavy at the realization that Taylor and I would have to have another training session, and I knew Avery wasn’t going to be happy about it. The last thing I wanted was Avery to feel threatened by Taylor, which she already did. I wasn’t sure if I had anything with Taylor, or if it was just some stupid teenage crush, but I wanted to avoid it altogether.

And now that was impossible, because she was involved in all of this too.

I shrugged it off, “Yea, I guess so.”

Taylor looked at me from the front seat, seeming to look a bit annoyed at my response. She retorted, “You perform well when there’s no pressure and I’m there helping you, it won’t be like that if this thing happens Andy. You need to realize that.”

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