Chp. 14 "Who Am I?"

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Chp. 14 "Who Am I?"

I was a Catalyst; I was the person who was supposed to save the world? I was only 18 years old? Why did it have to be me? Was it me because of my healing powers? Was it because I could absorb any power I came into contact with? Was it because I was expected to help bring down the F.P.S and stop them from trying to make these Super Soldiers?

How could I do this on my own?

Max touched my shoulder, “Hey… know you’re not alone in this Andy. I’m going to be right next to you, fighting against them the entire time.”

I smiled, feeling as if he had read my mind. Max was my best friend; he had been since last year when we had met. He meant a lot to me, and he was like my older, protective brother I never had. I smiled, “Thank you.”

Then Avery squeezed my leg, “Don’t count me out, I’m along for the ride too.”

Max groaned, “You can’t protect yourself, you don’t have any powers!”

She shrugged, “I’m still smart, extremely smart actually… and I bet you guys didn’t know that I’m good with computers and tracking things down, huh?”

Max looked at me, “Are you serious?”

My eyes snapped to Avery, knowing she could either be a secret weapon or the reason of our destruction. She couldn’t protect herself, but then again she could help protect us by keeping us out of the line of fire. I knew she was right about one thing, she was extremely smart, and that could come into handy with the computers and tracking certain things down.

And Max’s brother was also good at things like that, that’s why he was graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Criminal Forensics. He had good connections too, and he could help us out even more than Avery could.

And I suddenly realized there might be a team forming here.

Max sighed, “What are you conjuring up in your head?”

I looked at him and Avery, knowing this could be our only way to find these people, but we would have to wait until graduation. So I explained everything, about what I was thinking about and how Avery and Gage could help Max and I find these agencies. For now it was just an idea, but I knew I had hit a soft spot in Max when I mentioned the BD3 disease and finding a cure.

He knew we needed to do this, but we still had a little bit of school to finish.

I sighed, “We need to head out, it’s getting dark.”

I started towards Max’s house first to drop him off because I needed to head back to school to drop Avery off at her car. The entire time we had all chatted about this idea I had formed in my head, and now they were all feeding off of it. I knew we could do this, but the fact that Blaine had mysteriously disappeared didn’t help us.

I needed to know where to start looking.

Another thing that was bothering me was my parents, and how I felt as if they were lying to me about who I really was. It hurt deep inside my heart knowing that it was possible they weren’t even my real parents, and the fact that they hadn’t told me killed me.

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