Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"

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Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"

We were currently hauling ass to the football stadium where we knew we would be safe from any eavesdroppers because Blaine was a bit sketched out. I figured he would be excited to see people that also had powers like Max and I were but apparently I had assumed wrong.

Finally we made it and he immediately questioned, “What do you guys want? This is dangerous for me…”

I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about but I rolled my eyes, “Blaine, we’re like you, we have powers.”

He sighed, “I obviously know that, but that doesn’t explain why you guy assaulted me and then drug me out here.”

I rolled my eyes, this guy just didn’t get it. I held out my hand to Max, “Give me the razor.”

I felt the cold metal in my hand soon enough and brought it to my sensitive skin, running it across and opening up a wound just like Blaine’s. His eyes watched me in shock and soon enough I felt the familiar tingling that came along whenever my body began to heal itself.

He gasped, “Wait… you’re a Healer too…”

I threw the razor into a trash can and sighed, “Not quite, but close. See Max and I have this theory-“

“You have two powers?” He cut me off quickly, already seeming to know the true motive behind this confrontation.

“Yes, but we think I have this sort of… power absorption? Have you heard anything of that?”

His eyes widened, “You think that’s what you have?”

I nodded, “I’m about 99 percent sure that’s what I have, your little wound back there proved my theory right.”

“Andy… have you ever heard of the P.B.S.B.?”

It didn’t sound familiar so I just shrugged it off, “No? Why?”

“It’s an agency, sort of like a witness protection program for people like us… people who are running and trying to stay hidden.”

I squinted, “Wait… why are you trying to stay hidden?”

He looked around warily, and I could tell her was still a bit freaked out and a little scared to be talking to us. He sighed, “Because… there are people out there looking for people like us… kidnapping us and torturing us…”

He sounded crazy, absolutely out of his mind, “Wait… there’s people out there trying to get you?”

He ran his hand roughly through his hair, “Andy… I’ve been kidnapped by the bad agency, I was lucky enough to be rescued just in time before they…”

He trailed off then, leaving me and Max on the edge of our seats, “Who is the bad agency?”

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