Chp. 61 "Awkwad Introductions"

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Chp. 61 "Awkward Introductions"

I spoke, "So, I got a new power."

Avery's eyes widened at the news, and she spoke, "What? When?"

I smiled, realizing she had sounded just like Max, who was currently sitting beside me in my room. He had joined us not to long ago, but Gage was still asleep in his room.

Max smiled, "Yeah, I said the same thing."

I looked at Avery, "I accidently shook hands with an Agent I met in the elevator, her names Agent Berkley. She's actually Roger's partner."

Avery nodded, and she still seemed a bit shocked at the revelation, "So what did you get?"

I smiled, remembering this morning with Taylor, "Teleportation."

Avery's jaw dropped and responded quite exuberantly, "That's huge."

I nodded, "Yea, I know."

Then Max spoke, which was something that always made me cringe, "Speaking of Roger, are we going to go talk to him considering he still needs to tell us the truth about the BD3? I mean we did over hear him talking about it, don't you think we should make him tell us?"

I ran my hand through my hair and nodded, realizing Max was actually quite right. We would need to talk to Roger, and I figured since it was Saturday he would be doing paperwork in his office. The man never stopped working, I swear.

I looked at Avery and Max and nodded, "Let's go then. Should we get Gage too?"

Max shook his head, waving his hand to dismiss my comment, "He'll be sleeping for another two hours if he has the choice."

I had already told Max about the planned meeting with Roger Monday, but I hadn't told him to keep it a secret from Avery. I felt like a school girl waiting to get into trouble because her friends couldn't keep a secret, and the feeling sucked. I just didn't want to risk Avery's life, and she had just gotten out of a desperate health situation.

We took the elevator to the fifth floor labeled Office Sector, and this time I led the way to Roger's office. I knew where it was now, I was just hoping the little luck I did have would allow Roger to be alone, and not have someone there accompanying him.

But of course when I pushed his door open he and Taylor were there chatting and eating lunch like the great buddies they were.

Both of their eyes took in me and my two friends, and for some reason we all just stared at each other in awkward silence. I cleared my throat, realizing I should probably introduce Avery and Max to Taylor, but I could feel both of their eyes taking her in.

And they saw the exact same beautiful woman I did when I looked at her.

"Avery, Max, this is Agent Berkley, Roger's partner."

I sounded shocked, but it was because I hadn't expected her to be in here, and I watched her eyes linger on me a little longer than usual. Then Max of course had to make a fool out of himself.

He walked coolly up to her, almost tripping over his own feet and holding out his hand, "Max Davidson."

Avery then retorted, "It's actually Maxwell, we just think Max is more '21st century'."

Taylor seemed to laugh, along with Roger and I as Max turned to look at Avery with clear hatred in his eyes. He sat in the chair next to Taylor, looking up at her like a little kid in love with his school teacher or something, and I stood uneasily next to Avery. I could tell she felt uneasy about Taylor as well, but it was because she knew we had met. Taylor was gorgeous, and Avery could see that, and I was curious if Avery was the jealous type or not.

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