Chp. 73 "The Final Chase"

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Chp. 73 “The Final Chase”

Max’s head was in my lap as we pulled him carefully into the Tahoe. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but Max was bleeding, bad, and he had done this saving Avery. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I ordered Gage, “We need to get back to the Bureau!”

I felt a strong hand grip me, and I looked down at Max whose eyes were looking at me with confusion. He shook his head, “No, follow Pearce.”

I shook my head, “Max, we need to get you to the Bureau.”

He nearly yelled as Avery continued to press on his wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding. There was blood everywhere, especially on me, but I couldn’t stop staring at Max. I yelled at Gage, “You better fucking bring us to the Lab, now!”

Gage’s eyes were transfixed on his brother, and he was battling internally over what he was going to do. I looked down at Max who was struggling to keep his eyes open, and I realized his skin was much paler than it had been.

He managed to speak, “Andy… I’m going to die anyway. You have to… follow Pearce.”

He was panting from the pain, and I knew he was suffering, and he was probably right. But he was my best friend, and the more we drove away from the Bureau after Pearce the more likely he was going to die.

I watched as Gage and Max exchanged glances, and for a second I saw a look in Gage’s eyes that agreed with Max, like they were speaking telepathically. Then Gage nodded, throwing the car into high gear as we raced through the runway after Pearce who had disappeared down the road before us.

Avery whispered, “Max, keep your eyes open.”

Her voice was urgent and scared, and her hands were covered in blood as she continued to apply pressure to his stomach wound. Max pulled his eyes away from me and then looked at Avery, looking as if he wanted to say something to her.

“Don’t tell me… what to do.”

I couldn’t help but allow a sad laugh escape through my lips as I watched Max in my lap, wondering why he was making us do this. I knew he didn’t want Pearce to escape, he wanted to save the world; it’s what he’s always wanted to do. He knew if we went back to the Bureau we would most likely never get another chance to finish him, and we would risk the world’s future.

I felt the car jerk into a higher gear, and I remembered the day Walker had followed us from Monroe. That had been one of the scariest days of my life, but right now this was by far the most terrifying, because I was sitting here watching my best friend bleed to death.

I whispered, “Max…”

He looked up at me, forcing a smile, “Andy, you know… this is the right thing.”

I felt tears rim my eyes as the painful lump in my throat formed, causing me to almost lose my cool and break down right here. I knew I needed to be strong but it was so hard. I cupped his face, “Max please…”

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