Chp. 41 "Down Time"

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Chp. 41 “Down Time”

We were currently on our way to the Central Mall in Charleston, considering there really wasn’t much to do in this city. So we figured the least we could do is do a little shopping at the mall, which seemed to be the only logical thing to do.

At least to me and Avery.

Although I knew once we got to Buffalo, New York there wasn’t much we would be able to do considering we would almost be immediately meeting with Boyd. Also, I didn’t want to risk my friends too much exposure once we got that far up north.

So this mall trip would be good for us.

Avery’s hand was laced with mine, which was tucked in my lap as we sat silently in the back of the Tahoe. After my outburst in the clinic I had barely spoken, and Max hadn’t even looked at me. I still felt back but in all honesty, I had a logical reason.

It was a serious situation and his immaturity would get to me, especially in stressful situations. I was worried about them, and maybe I was being overly protective, but I had a damn good reason.

Everything just seemed to be sitting on my shoulders.

I was just eager to finally make it to the Bureau where I knew me and my friends would be safe, from both the Feds and the BD3.

At least then I would be able to relax a little more.

We pulled into the vast parking lot of the mall, and I knew in a sense this could be dangerous but then I tried to push that thought to the back of my head. The disease wasn’t bad here considering the population wasn’t as high as New York, but there was still a risk factor.

Avery’s hand squeezed mine, “Let’s go waste some of daddy’s money.”

I gave me a forced smile, still feeling the burden of my outburst towards Max as we walked towards the entrance. I knew I should apologize, just be the bigger person and end the tension, but I was hoping he would also apologize.

And knowing Max I knew he probably wouldn’t.

I then opened my mouth, only to hear Max’s deep voice at the same time, “Andy, I’m sorry. You know, for the whole ‘Paper, Rock, Scissors’ thing. I know you’re really stressed about this trip and stuff. I didn’t mean to piss you off.”

At first I was caught off guard as I processed what he said, and then I smiled to myself. I sighed, “Max, I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to lash out. But I really am stressed over this, which is why I said what I said, but I didn’t mean for it to happen so bitchy.”

He shrugged, smirking, “Well, you are pretty bitchy when you’re stressed out, so I should’ve known better.”

I made a face of disagreement, “I am not bitchy when I’m stressed out all the time, just over this.”

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