Chp. 57 "Unexpected Call"

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Chp. 57 “Unexpected Call”

I felt as if my head was going to explode and my blood was on fire, and I couldn’t hear or think anything. I was completely deaf, and from what I had just heard come out of Avery’s mouth made me wish I was. I didn’t even know what to say, but right now I was frozen in time. Frozen because I had no idea what to do or say to her.

I felt the rage building in my stomach, and my blood rushing from my heart through my body. The anger was becoming unbearable, and I realized I had never been this angry before. It was actually starting to scare me because Avery’s face was pure white with fear.

I breathed slowly, trying to cam myself, but I just couldn’t. I stood then, looking down at Avery who seemed now to be the last person I wanted to associate with. I felt my anger drawing in the electricity from my room, and the lights began to flicker around me as I held out my left arm, pointing to the door.

“Get out.”

Avery’s eyes flickered around the room as she stood, too afraid to move any further, “Andy, please let me explain-”

I responded bluntly, “Get. Out.”

The lights were flickering more now, and the more Avery stood here the more I wanted to fry her with every watt of electricity inside my body. It was actually scaring me because I soon realized that I couldn’t control it much longer.

I stormed out of the room, leaving Avery alone as I bolted through the hall and found the emergency stairs. I ran straight to the top of the building, right to the roof where I had taken Avery that morning before she became sick off her ass.

How could she lie to me about something like that?

The afternoon sun beat down on my back as I paced around the roof, not being able to calm myself down. I was crying, not from pain but from anger, and I couldn’t stop. I wanted to scream, to yell at the top of my lungs and to slam my fist through this roof. I wanted to run away and forget this place. Go out on my own and forget about everything I had here for me. I had found a cure to the disease, there was nothing left for me to do here.

Andy, stop. Think about everything you have for you here. Just because Avery fucked up doesn’t mean you can leave everything behind. What about your dad? What about the government? If you don’t stop them, no one will, and the bullshit will continue. You need to stay and fight, and forget about everything Avery lied to you about, because you have bigger things to worry about.

But she lied to me.

Your parent’s lied to you, they lied for 18 years. You didn’t hold it over their heads.

This is different. My dad wasn’t working for the people who were murdering innocent people.

Think about the people that will die if you leave, think about the people who will die if you are caught by the government. Think about Teal and Fred, and how he was murdered for doing the right thing. Think about that.

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