Chp. 35 "Secret Skills"

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Chp. 35 “Secret Skills”

“So you and your friends will leave tomorrow around noon, correct?”

I answered swiftly, wanting to sound as professional as possible, “Yes Mr. Boyd.”

“Please, call me Agent Rogers. Now you and your friends will make it to South Carolina within 5 to 6 hours, it isn’t a long trip but it’s better to take this trip in stages. Phase 1 will be complete when you make it to the hotel and Agent Harris has briefed you on Phase 2. He’ll meet with you around 7:00.”

I felt the blood course through my veins furiously as I realized just exactly what was happening tomorrow. We would leave for the first Phase and head to South Carolina where we would meet Agent Harris who was going to brief us on Phase 2. He would have information for all of us and I knew once we started there was no turning back. I was just grateful that I wasn’t going on this trip alone, and I would have my two best friends by my side.

I glanced down at the address to the hotel that I had written on a piece of paper, knowing tomorrow we would leave.

“Andy, are you still there?”

Agent Roger’s voice snapped me out of my day dream and looked at Avery, causing me to smile slightly. “Yes sir, just mentally making sure we’ve covered everything.” I wanted to sound professional because I was getting involved with super confidential people and I was only 18. I didn’t want them to take advantage of me but they all knew I was just like my father, so I figured they wouldn’t try any funny business.

“Aright, well I expect to hear good things from Agent Harris.”

I responded quickly, “Yes sir.”

“I hope to see you in a couple days, good bye Andy.”

Then I heard a click on the other end of the phone, allowing me to exhale a deep breath I had been holding. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked at my three friends, “Everything’s set and ready to go for tomorrow.”

Gage stayed quite as he continued to map out the route to our hotel tomorrow, and Max was playing with his electricity. Avery seemed to be the only one genuinely worried and nervous, so I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

Pulling her away from the two boys I gave her a reassuring smile, “It’s gonna be ok Avery, I promise.”

She sighed heavily as we sat on the hood of an old car, allowing the summer heat to surround us. I knew she was thinking of the worst possibilities but I couldn’t let her think negatively about this trip because it would only bring us down.

She spoke, “I don’t know Andy, I just have a bad feeling…”

I figured it was because we were leaving the state, traveling over a hundred miles up north to New York to find this Bureau. Of course she was going to have a bad feeling; she had never done this before. She was nervous, I was too, and I was sure we were having minor anxiety because of it.

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