Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"

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Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"

Avery’s head was cradled in my lap as I watched the tree line dash past us. We were on the highway and making great time as we traveled towards Monroe, Louisiana. We had stopped for a quick lunch and started right back on the road, and according to the GPS we still had about 7 hours left. It was obviously a long trip from Jacksonville, Florida all the way to Monroe but the thought of meeting my parents made it all worthwhile. Max was also passed out in the front seat as Gage was steady focused on driving as the highway was booming with traffic. He was alert, and I was grateful he had agreed to help us out in traveling this summer.

My hand petted Avery’s soft hair as I rested my head on the cool window, finding that no matter how hard I tried the thoughts of Blaine continued to pop into my head. I was anxious because of it, and knowing now that it was going to get extremely difficult to find them only made it worse.

How were we supposed to do this on our own?

I scrolled through my phone unconsciously as I made sure Roger’s number was still there. I knew it was silly to do it but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to make sure. 

Then suddenly Gage spoke, “How you holdin’ up back there?”

He had caught me off guard but I shrugged it off, seeming cool, “Fine, I was never the one for long car trips though.”

“You think it’ll be worth it?”

I knew he was referring the drive all the way out to meet my biological parents, and I knew it was going to be worth it. I nodded confidently, “I know it will be.”

He paused for a moment, his electric blue eyes that resembled Max’s perfectly made contact with mine, “What about the Protection Bureau?”

I thought back to Blaine and how he had told me it was going to be a difficult journey, realizing Gage didn’t know about all of that. I leaned back in my seat, “It’s not going to be a walk in the park, I can promise that much. The Feds are swarming all over that place trying to kidnap people like Max and I.”

Considering Gage was in the police force and was sort of affiliated with the government I knew he was taking it to heart. I wasn’t calling the entire government bad, because not all of them are, but this agency that the government was supporting is bad. They were allowing innocent people to be kidnapped and experimented on, and for what? The entire purpose was to be able to create a Super Soldier, one that cannot lose, nor die. Sure, it could be beneficial for our security, but was it worth taking thousands of lives?

Was it worth the possibility of more corruption?

I watched Gage battle himself internally, causing me to defend myself, “I’m not accusing the entire government and justice system of being cruel. I’m only saying that these people are working for and being supported by the government… so it looks bad on all of us.”

He nodded, “I know… it actually disgusts me.”

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