Chp. 23 "Arrived"

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Chp. 23 “Arrived”

After dinner we had booked it to the hotel in order to make it on time for check in, and soon we were hauling our things up to our rooms. Gage had picked a pretty decent hotel, and according to him it was only about twenty minutes from my parent’s house.

We hauled ourselves into the elevator and rose to the second floor. Avery, Max and I were nearly wide awake because of the naps we took on the way up here but Gage was exhausted. Our rooms were across from each other and I spoke, “Max, let your brother sleep, he’s exhausted.”

He rolled his eyes and pointed at Avery and me, “And you two don’t stay up too late, since we’re playing the adult game.”

I rolled my eyes at his comment and opened the door to our room, which only held one queen sized bed. It looked like the most comfortable bed as the fluffy white comforter looked like a cloud sitting on top of the mattress. I dropped my bag, throwing myself on the bed and realizing it was even more comfortable than it looked. Avery crawled over the bed and laid next to me, “This bed is amazing.”

“I can fall asleep right now.”

Avery shook her head, “You better not, we both need to shower.”

I glanced at the clock which read, 9:45, and I knew she was right. I felt way too grimy to sleep without cleaning up. I cupped her face and realized we hadn’t been able to talk about earlier today when she had been so gravely depressed because of her parents who were absent from graduation. I whispered, “Do you want to talk about earlier today?”

She stiffened at the thought and shook her head, “No… maybe tomorrow on our way home or something. I don’t want to ruin this mood and possibly your day tomorrow when we meet your parents…”

It nearly broke my heart hearing that because she was being considerate of me, which I didn’t deserve but accepted. I knew she was avoiding the conversation for multiple reasons, but she figured the one she gave me was the most reasonable.

She nudged me towards the bathroom, “Hurry.”

I smiled, getting up and grabbing a pair of shorts and I tank top. I started the water and fantasized about Avery showering. Her golden skin soaked from head to toe with water, her flat stomach and her toned thighs. I nearly had to sit down on the toilet because my legs were getting weak just thinking about her that way.

And in the back of my mind I wished she would’ve joined me in the shower.

I could always stick my head out the door and ask her to join me, but I still felt like it was too soon. We obviously felt strong emotions towards each other but maybe she felt that it was too soon for that kind of intimacy.

But if she took the initiative I would most certainly accept the offer.

It felt nice to finally feel the hot water washing over my tensed back. I had been completely stressed out over the day’s events and this shower was really hitting the spot. I scrubbed my body, allowing the grimy feelings to wash off of me and down the drain along with my shampoo and conditioner. I had been so stressed about the confrontation with Blaine, the car ride here and Max and Avery’s constant bickering that I forgot how to relax.

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