Chp. 52 "Great News"

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Chp. 52 "Great News"

"Andrea, we've found something."

I allowed Henson's words to sink into my mind, trying to comprehend. My heart raced in my chest, realizing he was talking about the BD3.

I swallowed dryly, responding,"What?"

"Remember how we discussed the concern of transmitting the Healing ability to other people?"

I nodded in response, recalling how we had spoken about the number of hormones could be in a single antibiotic. I waited for him to continue.

"Well, we've mastered the antibiotic, but there's something that might cause some suspicion."

I looked at him, pretty confused as to what would arouse suspicion. I mean, there were thousands of people dying and suffering.

I questioned, "What's that?"

He folded his hands on the wood desk, making me understand that there was something more serious going on here.

"I'll explain this the best way I can, to where you understand, ok?"

I could only nod.

"This antibiotic, considering it contains you and Blaine's Healing hormones, is extremely strong." He shifted in his seat, letting me know he was quite anxious in whatever he was trying to explain to me. "Whoever is given this antibiotic will be healed from the BD3, yes, but it will completely heal the host."

I looked at him, still pretty confused as to why this would be suspicious to the public. I mean, isn't that what we had strived for, for so long? I shrugged, "How is this bad?"

He smiled weakly, knowing I didn't understand the bad news. He leaned forward, "This antibiotic will cure everything within the person. This includes any type of cancer, any skin wound, STD's, Alzheimer's, every possible sickness Andrea. Do you understand? They will be a completely new human being, technically speaking."

Now I understood, and I knew exactly why Henson was worried. People would be cured completely, from anything ranging from tiny diseases to extreme cases of things that were incurable to society's eye. This would be a major breakthrough but could also stir up a lot a controversy if it wasn't executed correctly. I rubbed my forehead with stressful thought, "But they won't be a Healer, correct?"

He shook his head slightly, seeking to feel a bit more relieved at this, "Correct."

I leaned back in my chair now, realizing I had been leaving forward out of anxiousness. I rubbed the back of my neck, knowing the pros and cons of this antibiotic and trying to weigh them.

I looked up at him, "If we don't, a lot of people will die."

Then I thought about Avery, and how her withering body was now near paralyzed with pain. It had now been two entire weeks, and she was almost completely unresponsive. I was afraid, and up until now I had started to actually believe she wasn't going to make it.

We had to go through with this antibiotic.

Henson knew, I knew, we all knew. This was the human race, and I knew this was do or die now, literally.

Then Henson spoke out, realizing I must've been thinking about Avery "When can I give it to Avery?"

~ ~ ~ ~

I whispered softly, "Avery, wake up," I nudged her slightly, hoping her pain meds didn't have her out cold. I felt her skin then, feeling the hotness that had been there since day one. Her lips were white and dry, and considering the more severe symptoms, her joints spasmed every once in awhile.

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