Chp. 45 "The Lab"

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Chp. 45 “The Lab”

Stepping quietly into the elevator, I stood in between Roger and Avery, all the while holding Avery’s clammy hand. I knew she was scared, and I knew she was nervous, but I wanted her to know I was here for her. I just needed to make sure she didn’t come into contact with anyone, you know, just in case.

Roger pushed the button labeled Lab, and I watched silently as it lit up. I checked my phone for the time, realizing it was now a little past nine, and suddenly I was exhausted. It had been an extremely long day, and with everything that had happened I was about ready to crash. Of course upon thinking this I felt like a grandma, considering it was summer time and it was only nine at night. Any other ordinary teenager would be up late, going out, going to the movies, and just enjoying themselves.

And then there was me.

Then again, I’m sure we all agree I’m anything but normal.

The elevator doors opened quietly, and we stepped out, allowing me to take in the scene around me. Although it was late, there were at least 20 doctors in white gowns hustling around the open area that was visible. Some were filing paperwork, some were looking through a microscope, and some were simply just running around looking like a chicken with their head cut off.

But once we appeared they all stopped, focusing their attention immediately on us.

“Agent Boyd, what brings you here this late? I thought you were going to come by with the new Healer tomorrow?”

I didn’t recognize the man but I was hoping I would see the familiar Doctor Henson. At least then I would feel a little better in knowing someone on this floor besides Roger. Roger sighed, “There was a change of plans tonight,” he looked at Avery and pointed, “She needs to be tested right now.”

Then everything happened in fast motion. People were putting on gloves and surrounding Avery and I, putting a mask over Avery’s mouth and nose, along with mine. Before they could I stopped them, “No, I don’t need one, I’m the Healer.”

I heard a couple of excited whoops and cheers that made me feel slightly famous, and they hustled Avery over to a chair. One of the two doctors who remained with us questioned Avery, “Which arm?”

She held her arm out, rolling up her sleeve and exposing the infected area that seemed to be getting worse. One of the doctors squinted and shook his head, “This doesn’t look good.”

Then other was preparing a syringe, and she spoke in the cliché gentle tone of a doctor. “Sweetie, we’re going to take some blood okay?”

Avery just nodded, feeling too nervous to do anything but sit there like a statue. I watched as the female doctor began extracting Avery’s blood after finding her vain, and Avery didn’t even flinch. It made me wonder if she was still here mentally, or if she was just choosing to block everything out. I took her other hand in mine, squeezing it for reassurance, which seemed to pull her out of her trance like state.

She smiled weakly up at me, and I knew exactly how she was feeling for some reason. The look in her eyes that she was giving me was easy to read, and I knew she was scared. Hell, I was probably more scared than her, and she was the one that was sick. What would I do if she ended up with the disease? How would I continue going through with this mission if all I could think about was Avery’s health? And if she had it, how long would it take the doctors to finally find a cure now that I was here?

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