Chp. 38 "Finally Alone"

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Chp. 38 “Finally Alone”

“What time are we leaving tomorrow?”

I looked at Max who had asked his question with a mouthful of pasta. I shook my head, “We’re leaving early, around 8:00 in the morning, so we should make it to West Virginia by 2:00. Doctor Henson will meet with us at 3:00 and then we’re free to do whatever we want.”

Max and Avery were still busy eating but Gage spoke, “Doesn’t seem like there’s much to do in West Virginia.”

I smiled, hoping that there would be something to pass the time. I was hoping to do a little sight-seeing here but considering Doctor Henson wanted to meet at 3:00 tomorrow we needed to leave early. The trip was going by fairly fast considering it was already 8:30, and soon we would be heading back to the hotel. Gage was worn out from the drive and I had agreed to drive us back to the hotel considering, which would now be any minute now.

The waitress returned to our table and looked at us, particularly me, and then spoke, “Is everything separate or together?”

Then out of nowhere Avery responded, “Together.”

I didn’t expect her to acknowledge the waitress but had she planned on paying for everyone? I looked at her, “I’m not letting you pay for all of us.”

Gage spoke too, “Yea, the bills gonna be over 60 dollars.”

She shrugged nonchalantly as the waitress spoke her goodbyes and thanked us while setting the bill in front of Avery. She responded, “It’s my dad’s money, I have to spend it somehow.”

She slipped 70 dollars into the black book and looked at me, her hand resting on my upper thigh, “Let’s go back to the hotel.”

I felt my heart slam in my chest, knowing exactly what Avery was referring too. I blushed hard, hoping that Gage and Max hadn’t seen it considering Avery’s hand was out of their view.

Gage slid me the keys to the Tahoe, “Yea, let’s go.”

We made our way out of the restaurant and I took my place in the driver’s seat. I heard Avery shout, “Shotgun!” And then Max’s familiar groan filled the empty void as he climbed into the back with his brother.

Avery climbed in last and we were off back to the hotel, the adrenaline running through my veins as I thought about what would happen when we got back. I saw Avery looking at me from my peripheral vision and I knew she was doing this on purpose. She knew the exact affect she had on me and was using it to her extreme advantage.

I glanced at her as I stopped at a stop light, her sexy smirk facing me as I returned it. I was excited but I was nervous, but I felt completely comfortable with Avery and I was confident in myself.

After all, we remember the pool scene, right?

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