Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Justin's POV

Suddenly, I gasp for air as my lungs seem to become deprived of oxygen and I notice my alarm is blasting through my eardrums, causing them to ache with a recurring pulse. 

I groan, slamming it shut, and fall back down. 

It seems as if non-living objects love to hurt me as well. 

Slowly, I force myself out of the bed, but my face burns by the sun hitting me. I let out a harsh sigh, closing the curtains but it still shines through as I see the burnt holes are still there. 

I shake my head and pay attention to my surroundings instead, noticing how my room is still a mess. 

Grabbing the dustpan and broom, I quickly clean everything up but I wonder why I even bother as it's constantly like this. 

Every damn day. 

I take a quick peek at the time and realise its 7:00 meaning I have exactly an hour and 30 minutes to get to school.

I know it may seem early because usually, kids go to school 10 minutes before, but I haven't missed a single day. 

I don't want to ruin my attendance. Seriously, there was a week when I had broken my hand and I didn't get it checked out as it was on a school day. I couldn't think about missing all the lessons I had and then having to catch up. 

Luckily, it was my right hand because I write with my left. But, it was a little harder to eat my food and do my homework.

Okay, and yes I do all my homework at school... On the day it's set.

I rush to my closet and pick out a white buttoned T-shirt. Checkered trousers. Matching bowtie. Black shoes. And the object that helps me see, my glasses.

People call me a nerd. So, why not look the part as well?

I sigh, staring at myself for a second. 

No wonder I'm single

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No wonder I'm single. 

Hesitantly, I walk downstairs but I stop at the kitchen as I notice my dad's still asleep. I let out a breath of relief and grip tightly on my sleeves. 

At least my wounds have time to heal today. 

That reminds me, I sneak into my mum's room and grab her makeup, softly applying it on the bruises from last night. 

I wince at the slight cut on my wrist and I subconsciously glance towards my mum's picture on the stance.

I don't realise I'm walking towards it until I see it's just inches away.

Cracks at every corner of the frame. It took me around a week to fix.

"You killed her." He slurred angrily, gripping tightly on the wall but his free hand quickly grabbed onto the frame, throwing it within a second and aiming for my head

I watched as it hit the wall beside me and I let out a breath of relief at the fact he was wasted and so he could barely see me. 

I remember there was glass everywhere. A part of my heart dropped as I noticed it was the picture frame. It was the only one I had of her. And if I lost that, I don't know what I would've done.

I let out a shaky breath as I feel a tear slip down from my eye. 

"You left me, mum. You're the only one who loved me and now I feel like I don't deserve to be here." I whisper, feeling my throat close up and I clutch onto the frame before hugging it tightly. 

She died a couple of years ago. And by guess who, the one and only monster.

My dad.

His hands were wrapped so tightly around her neck. Acting as God by taking her last breath. 

I saw her chest rise and her last gulp. A second before that, she mouthed she loved me. Through the corner of her eyes, she whispered her last three words to me.

My 8-year-old self wanted to stop him but he couldn't. He just froze not knowing what to do and left her to die.

By him.

But, I know she didn't want to stop it either. She let him do it because she knew he would not stop. She knew she was going to die, which made me hate her.

I hated my mum because she was living with a monster.

A monster who drank every single night.

A monster who cheated on her.

A monster who abused us both. 

A monster who hated her and didn't love her.

That monster who unfortunately was my father.

He was never jailed because she was suffering from cancer and they thought that was the cause. She only had a couple of months to live. But, he shortened it.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps from behind me and I wipe away the remaining tears off my face as I already know who they belong to. 

I will not let him see me cry and torture me for feeling pain over a dead person.

That was the last thing I was going to let happen.

"YOU LITTLE PRICK, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" He shouts causing his voice to echo over every wall in the house and I gulp, witnessing his state. 

Drunk again. It didn't even matter anymore. Even sober, he would hurt me. But, I don't remember the last time he was.

If he ever was. 

I sigh, obeying his orders as I already know what the consequences are if I didn't, but as I reach within a meter of his presence, his hands smack across my face.

The oxygen from the lungs escapes again and a foot to the stomach doesn't help either. 

I bite my tongue, laying across the floor as the pain within my body feels like burning coal and I don't dare to move till I hear his footsteps fade away. 

After a little while, I hear silence and I drag my lifeless body from the floor and onto my bicycle outside. 

This is my ride to school. It wasn't much, but it was the best present I had gotten from my neighbor a couple of years back before he died of old age. 

I slowly hop on, quickly checking my watch and I widen my eyes's, 8:00.

And this is another reason to getting up early. 

I quickly ride to my school St' Edwards high and place my bike into the bike rack before locking it. 

English is what I have, if I remember correctly. 

I let out a harsh breath, rubbing my stomach softly at the pain but I somehow bump into something that causes me to lose my balance and I feel a tiny weight on my body.

I groan at the additional pain in my head and I open my eyes before gasping at the person on top of me instead. 

Well, hello death. 


Sorry for the short chapter


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