Part 24

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Justin's POV 

She's going to tell me the full truth.

I can't deal with secrets.

I have a right to know.

As I watch Selena gulp, looking at me intensely, I knew she wasn't able to deal with all of it either.

I didn't even think about her point of view. She didn't even mean for any of this to happen.

Or if she did any of this because my dad started acting differently when I was younger so Selena couldn't have done anything but add onto it as I got older.

Fuck, so how the hell is Selena really to blame?

Selena nods and tells me everything.


After a couple of hours of explaining how she knew my dad and the drugs she gave him.

I gasp as Selena narrates everything about my father and her connection. I shake my head, trying to take in all the things she had said to me.

"I'm so sorry." She whispers, wrapping her arms around me and I nod, suddenly feeling guilt to how I treated her. 

"You could've told me you were 5." I scoff, trying to make her laugh and luckily it works. I relax under her touch and close my eyes.

Now with Selena by my side. 

"I'm a bad person aren't I, nerdy?" Selena whispers, looking at me with her puffy red eyes and I shake my head angrily, wrapping her legs around my waist. I walk over to the bed and sit down still with Selena on my lap. 

"You are most amazing kindest, cutest person I've met in my life." I state, honestly biting my lip and she looks at me in adoration. "You made me safe when I felt like no one was there." I whisper, placing a strand of hair that fell from behind her ear. "You made me feel like a different person, not a sad broken kid but a confident bad ass." I chuckle, causing her giggle with her red tinted cheeks. 

"You made me feel loved." We say at the same time and look at each other before bursting into laughter.


"DOUBLE JINX." We say, laughing and giggling uncontrollably.   

"I was a fool for thinking you were mean." I sigh, leaning in closer to her as all I can see is her lips.

Her red plump lips.
The ones that took my first kiss.
That made me tingle inside.
That made me feel love. 

"I was a fool in thinking you were just a nerd, when you're a special... nerd." Selena giggles and I shake my head with a scoff at her trying to be romantic but I can't help but let out a smile. I clasp her hands into mine.

Those hands that punched all the nightmares away. Those hands that were perfectly fitted for mine. 

"I envied your smartness."

"I envied your beauty." We both whisper and I feel my eyes trace her down her figure.

The body that every girl wanted. The body that anyone would kill for. The body that was mine to keep. 

I lean in and kiss her. I don't wait for her to respond, but I push her up against a wall pressing deeply against her.

Her hands wrap up in my hair causing me to grin between our kisses and my hands slip under her shirt that I had given her.

Her legs wrapping around my crotch causing me to bite my lap at the fact she was wearing nothing underneath.

I suddenly pull apart after we both need to breathe and I place my forehead against hers too scared to look up at her.

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