Part 14

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Justin's POV

I wake up and try to stretch my arms but I feel a lightweight on top of me, stopping me from doing so.

And that every part of my body feels like it's been ripped apart and tried to put back together.

But I'm like glass.

You can try to glue me back together, but you can always see the cracks.

I open my arms and see Selena on top of me.

Wait, why is she here?

Oh, wait last night?

I bite my lip trying not to smile.

"Justin, right now, I really want to punch you for saying that but I also want to fuck you." Selena laughs and I look at her with my eyes widened but I can't help but smile.

"Are you-serious?" I ask biting my lip and she looks at me moving a little closer to me.

"Do you want me to punch you?" She asks with a laugh and I can't help but let out a laugh myself.

"N-no." I say, letting out a sigh as I think about how peaceful I am.

She inches closer to me till our lips lightly brushed. "Or do you want me to fuck you?" She whispers in my ear and I suck in a breath.

I suddenly hear a groan from Selena causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I close my mouth and I feel Selena slide a little on top of me causing me to choke on my breath.

Her arms wrap around my neck holding onto me and her legs push against mine but her knee slowly strokes my cock causing me to arch my back a little.

"Justin." I hear her whisper in my ear and I snap my eyes at her to see hers are closed.

Wait, is she awake or not?

"Selena?" I say confused.

I don't hear a response but; I feel her push against me tightly.

"I want you to fuck me hard." I hear her whisper clutching on top of me and I stay there frozen.

Is she dreaming about me?

I mentally laugh but I'm kind of scared at the same time.

I mean I haven't ever done anything sexual and I'm pretty sure Selena has.

Multiple time.

And that goes for illegal and dangerous things.

I feel her hand trail down my chest to my boy part; I grab her hand away from my cock and place them back to my chest. I hear her grunt in my neck and she turns over so her back is on my chest. I feel her move her hips against my crotch causing my grip onto her waist.

"Selena." I whisper gulping and she goes harder making me grip on to her hips.

"Justin." I hear Selena laugh and I stay frozen.

"Y-yeah" I stutter.

Wait, Is she awake now?

Ok, this is a kind of awkward.

"You're poking up my ass." She laughs and gets off me.

"Erm..." I don't know what to say. I scratch the back of my neck and look at the time and see it was 8:00.

"Shoot, we have school." I scream getting out of bed.

"Woah, calm down, you already missed a week from school so being late isn't really important." Selena states, running a hand through her hair.

"I know but this will go on my record and then I won't be able to go to the college I'd want and--" I spit out quickly trying to find something to wear.

"--Ok, ok calm down, we still have a half an hour left and you know we are literally like 5 minutes away from school." She laughs and I automatically stop.

Wait, we are?

But she's always late to school.

Is she lying to me right now?

"Ok." I hesitantly say and she nods before she getting up, walking closer to me.

"I'm choosing your clothes." Selena laughs and walks to my closet.

Why does she have to choose my clothes?

I mean I don't have an unpleasant taste in clothes.


I look at her, and she finally picks out an outfit for me to wear.

I look at her and then look at the clothes.

She really expected me to wear that?


"Justin, you're wearing this no matter what, and if you disobey me, I will rip those clothes off you right now..." Selena smirks at me and I stiffen looking at her nervously. "... I may have also thrown them out." She whispers and I look at her in shock.

She isn't serious, right?

I let out a sigh. "Ok." I gulp at her and she tilts her head in confusion.

"You want me to rip your clothes off?" She asks confused and takes a step closer to me.

"N-NO, I mean I'll wear the clothes." I quickly speak and she laughs before nodding.

"Do you need help?" Selena asks gesturing that I was still hurt by 'you know who'.

"Erm, I think." I sheepishly say and I actually don't think I needed help but I just want Selena close to me.

"Ok." She says nodding, and I put my arms up so she can take my t-shirt off. She looks at me confused but then nods and finally takes my t-shirt off. I smile at her, mentally laughing.

"S-Selena, did you mean everything you said last night?" I blurt out.

Why did I ask that?

Ugh, I'm going to sound like a weirdo.

She bites her lip and caresses my cheek. "Justin, you aren't a fat pig, far from that and yes I want to fuck you." She says before softly rubbing her finger one of my bruises on my neck.

She then places her lips on top of my neck making my eyes widen.

I actually like it.

She pulls apart, and her eyes wander down to my wrists.

Shit, my scars.

I quickly place my arms behind my back away from her.

"What are those?" Selena asks trying to grab my wrist and I shake my head.

I'm supposed to get more tattoos on my wrists but I forgot.

"Nothing." I quickly speak grabbing a t-shirt and quickly wearing it.

Selena quickly stopped me. "Justin show me your wrists." Selena says strictly and I bite my lip arguing with myself.

Should I?

"No." I say, looking down and she bites her lip like she wanted to say okay.

"Justin, plz." She begs, looking at me with a sad expression and I sigh, placing my hands towards her.

"Look at my scars, see how ugly I am " I snap at her and she says nothing.

She sighs. "Justin shut up" Selena groans and walks closer towards me grabbing my hand.

"It's true." I whisper, looking at her with a frown and she sits me down staring intensely at my scars.

She places her hand on my thigh. "One day I'm going to prove how amazing you are, inside and outside." She whispers and places her lips against mine.


Erm okay...


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