Chapter 6

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Justin's POV 

I quickly get off Selena's bike muttering a quick bye and she nods before zooming off.

I watch until she turns the corner and my anxiety kicks in.

I reach my doorstep and have second thoughts off running away but I open it, anyway. 

I quickly get in and quietly shut the door. I see my dad passed out on the sofa.

I let out a breath of relief as I wasn't awake but that was too quick to say.

"Justin, is that you?" He asks, slurring his words and I try to hide but he already gets up.

So close.

He yanks me by my collar and throws me to the floor causing me to win at the pain that rushes through my jaw.

"Who was that girl you were with? She wasn't your girlfriend. Obviously not, you're a fat, ugly pig?" He slurs, kicking my sides before punching me in the stomach causing me to cough out a little blood.

I groan trying to get up but he doesn't let me.

He grabs my head and slams me into the wall. I try to get up again but he pushes me down with his shoes to my chest before leaving me there. 

I lay there for god knows how many hours as I can't get up.

Everything hurt, I'm pretty sure he broke every bone in my body,

I look down at my clothes and see they're torn apart.

What am I supposed to do now? Selena's going to kill me.

I get up only to fall back down. I feel as if he had pushed my rib cage deeper into me.

I sigh before finally getting myself back up.

I push myself up to my room before collapsing on my bed and into darkness. 

Selena's POV 

I drop Justin at his house and he says a quick bye before I left but something worried me. I saw his eyes widen when he noticed the lights were on at his house.


I enter my bedroom and fall to my bed.

I don't want to do anything else but to sleep.

Even though I can't.

I keep thinking about Justin.

Today was hilarious.

I gave him a boner, but most of all, he had a 6 pack and had fucking tattoos.

Dude and in those clothes, he looked like a sex god. I was serious bout raping him.

Wait is he a virgin?

Ooh, dude, that's going to be funny but amazing to teach him.

Jeez, I'm an idiot. 

In the morning

I wake up and pick out an outfit to wear.

I look around my bed and see the bags which had the clothes I bought for Justin.

I forgot to give it to him.

I sigh as I look at my watch and saw it's 6:00.

Woah I woke up that early.

I quickly grab the bags and drive to Justin's house. I try to remember where his house was but let's say my memory, ain't that great.

I call Brad, who is superb at tracking people's address. So he can easily find Justin's address for me. 

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