Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Justin's POV

"Why?" Selena asks, squinting her eyes at me in confusion and I bite my lip, knowing she's trying to figure me out. 

Think of an excuse.

"C-cause my c-cousins are h-here, s-so they'll make a lot of noise." I stutter, staring intensely at her eyes and she hesitantly nods, scrunching her eyebrows slightly as if she knows I'm lying.

Ugh, why do I always stutter? Well, maybe cause she's Selena Gomez, the scariest person on earth, but she's freaking hot. 

"Ok, my house then. Meet me by my bike after school." She states, clearly not believing me, and finally walks away.

I rest my eyes on her outfit for a second. All black, she really stuck to the stereotype. But I liked it to be honest.

I sigh as I decide to find Harry. He's the only friend I have in this school and I'm his only friend too.

So it makes sense.

I limp when no one's looking even though I know they wouldn't care. As Selena said, no one would want anything to do with this nerd. Well, she doesn't.

I notice Harry at a table, and I rush to him. His eyes immediately catch a limp and he looks at me with sorrow. 

"He did it again didn't he?" Harry asks, staring down at my leg and I sigh, sitting next to him.

Harry's the only one who knows about my dad abusing me. He found out when he sneaked into my house to study but caught my dad smacking the shit out of me. And, my dad caught him as well, threatened to kill us both. 

And we listened to him, I could've been free, but I listened to him.

I look back at Harry with a frown. "No, he didn't, I tripped over the stairs. My dad's been too drunk to hurt me, anyway." I lie with a forced laugh and he looks up at me in shock.

"Really?" He asks with his eyes brightening up and I nod with a fake smile.

I've lied a million times when asked about my bruises, so I'm basically a pro at it. Except for Selena. She would catch my lies even without looking at my face or if we were a million miles apart.

That was cheesy actually. 

I snap out of my thoughts, and he smiles before taking out his lunch which is spaghetti.

He's been waiting for the day my dad would stop abusing me. But, he has to wait for either him or me to die.

I grab an apple from my bag and eat even though my stomach already craved more. I ate less after my dad called me fat. I mean I worked out to look fit but I know I'm still an ugly fat pig. I mean he says it and so do others.

I feel eyes burning through my head and I scan the room before catching Selena looking at me with an unknown expression on her face. Suddenly, she breaks eye contact and I watch as she says something to her friends, The popular groupcausing them to laugh with a look towards me.

Of course, she's making fun of me.  

I sigh, deciding to take out some notes from my biology book and write as much as I can. 

"Whassup nerd?" Someone asks, and I turn to my side to see Selena sitting right beside me. 

Why is she sitting next to me?

I ignore her and roll my eyes continuing to do my work.

Woah, where's this bravery come from?

I snap my eyes back at her. 

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