Part 16

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Justin's POV

At lunch

I had 2 weeks of absence from school.

And I heard a lot of things about me.

That I had got into a fight and won.

The entire school knew about my dad.

And now I'm a bad boy.


How did Selena do this?

I stroll down the hallway with a few lustful eyes and unfortunate glares from the guys but I guess people are noticing me.

But Is that a good thing?

I shake my head and see Harry eating his lunch by himself causing me to frown knowing he ate alone the whole week.

"Hey." I smile and he turns around with his eyes widened and chocolate smudged all over his face.

"Erm do I know you?" He asks as he whispers confused and I look at him confused sitting next to him.

Did he not recognise me?

"Harry, it's me, Justin." I say and his eyes widen as his jaw hits the ground.

Well, mentally it did.

"Justin, h-how. You. Huh?" He asks, blurting out words.

Did I look that different that my best friend doesn't even recognise me?

"Erm well Selena kind of changed my looks so yeah." I say nervously and he nods slowly before turning around to fully look at me.

"But what about the bruises?" He asks worried and I slowly nod.

Shit, do I tell him about Dad?

"E-erm Selena did this, so people thought I.. erm got into a fight and won." I lie, sitting down next to him and I sigh.

"REALLY" He shouts causing a few heads to turn this way and I nod slightly blushing at the attention he's creating.

"Yup." I lie again and he laughs loudly holding his stomach.

Well, that wasn't what I was expecting.

"How?" He continues to laugh and I roll my eyes.

"I don't know." I groan at his response.

I mean is it that funny a girl hit me? Even though a girl hasn't even hit me but still.

And how did he believe a girl could hit me?

No offence but I don't think that I would get harsh bruises by a girl.

Actually, if it was Selena, then I would definitely have a lot of bruises.

"JUSTIN, over here." I hear a voice shout and I turn my head. I see Selena waving at me to sit with her but I wanted to stay with Harry.

"Go, it's fine." Harry frowns looking at his food.

I can't do that to Harry but how am I supposed to deny Selena?

I sigh and look back at Selena.

Ugh if only I could bring Harry as well.

"Bring your nerd friend as well." She shouts again like she read my mind.

"Wait really?" Harry whispers as a smile crept up his face causing me to silently thank Selena.

"I guess so." I say shocked and Harry quickly pulls both of us towards Selena's table.

Well, someone's in a hurry.

The badass and the nerd (jelena story)Where stories live. Discover now