Part 12

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Part 12

Selena's POV

I look at Justin who bites his lip like he's brooding over something.

I hope not about Jeremy.

Fuck, my mind goes to his hands wrapping around my legs, cock thrusting into me and I gulp at the painful memories.

His dead body on the sofa.

Justin lets out a cough causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Do you want me to leave so you can change your boxers?" I ask him, even though I kind of wanted to stay.

Only because I liked the view in front of me.

He looks at me and hesitantly nods. "Y-yeah." He says, slowly looking over to the boxers on the bed and then to the ones he's wearing.

Does he need help to take his boxers off?

I gulp as I look down to my hands and the thought of Jeremy and Jacob.

How my hands have touched their now dead bodies.

"Should I help you take your boxers off?" I whisper, causing him to look at me and I see his face slightly turning red.

"Erm yeah." Justin says, continuing to nibble his bottom lip which is a little bruised and I want to brush my thumb against it.

Why didn't Justin ever fight for himself?

If he did, then maybe I wouldn't have done what I did.

"Ok." I say as my mind went to another place and I kneel in front of him placing my hands on top of his boxers. I hear his breathing quicken and he fiddles with his fingers.

"Are you scared?" I ask, raising my head to look at him and he shakes his head.

"N-no, I-I just..." He stutters, trying to find the right words to say but fails.

"I won't look at your dick." I state, reassuring him as he grips onto his thigh nervously.

Why am I being nice to him?

Cause you like him

No, I don't, he's too innocent for me and I'm going to end up hurting him.

You sure it's not the other way round.

I sigh at my thoughts. Maybe it's because I killed his dad, even if Justin didn't mind it, he's become an orphan now.

I wonder what his mum would've thought of me if she was still alive.

"O-ok." Justin whispers, snapping me out of my thoughts and I hear his breathing slowing down. I look at the tattoos on his arm as I slide my fingers in his boxer pulling it down till it reaches his ankles.

Ok was it wrong that I actually wanted to see his dick?

I hear a cough making me snap out of thoughts and I get up looking at Justin making sure I don't see any parts I shouldn't.

*Cough* his cock.

"C-can you h-help me w-with wearing t-the new b-boxers?" He whispers, looking down and I gulp, trying to control my hormones.

At this point I'm going to end up fucking him.

Do it do it

Shut up brain

Ugh why did this nerd have to be so hot?

"Sure." I slightly growl at him trying to control my horny self and he gasps, causing me to sigh.

"Sorry." I hear Justin whisper seeing my reaction and I shake my head with a quiet groan.

"It's your fault there is a hot naked guy in front of me." I say, grabbing the boxers and kneeling down again.

"I'm not hot." I hear Justin whisper more to himself.

I'm about to correct him but I remember that he's still naked.

"Pick your feet up." I say to him and he nods, and I place the boxers on him successfully.

"Thanks." Justin says, shifting his feet awkwardly.

"Whatever go to sleep." I state, feeling a little tired. Justin nods leaning back to his bed and I leave him and walk back to my room.

I go into the bathroom and instantly head to the shower.

I had to get rid of the touches of Jeremey and Jacob.

Their dead touch now.

I clean every part of my body and I can't help but think about their last breath they took.

Their chest riding up and down.

(Like Justin with his mother)

Their thrusts into me.

I groan as I can't help but collapse to the ground.

I remembered my first time.

My first time was guess who.


Me being naïve and undressing in front of him.

Thrusting into me as I begged him to stop.

But forcing myself to enjoy it..

Remembering that if he had me, he didn't have her.

Remembering his fingers ripping me open.

Remembering his uninvited friends bending me over and fucking me from behind.

My first time was a rape.

My breathing turns a little harsher and my mind slips to Justin.

I killed his dad.

He should've told me before what was happening. 

I still remember the question he asked me about how I knew his dad. I just, I can't tell him. If he knows then he'll hate me forever. I don't even know why I cared but I just can't stand Justin being away from me. I don't know why.

Let's just say my feeling are fifty shades of nerded up.



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