Part 18

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Justin's POV

"M-my dad" I stutter, nervously looking at her and she looks back at me tilting her head to the side nodding.

I mean I want to know but; I didn't.

"You asked me about it so why not tell you now then?" Selena sighs, with an unknown expression on her face and turns to face me.

"Y-yeah." I whisper, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans and she sighs looking down.

"Well, I work with drugs." She says, causing me to gasp, but I knew she hadn't finished yet. "And I sold some to your dad which was a terrible mistake." She sighs, causing me to look at her curiously.

What did she mean by that?

"I-I remember my dad being a proper father sometimes but then it all worsened as life went on. Did he change cause of the drugs you gave him?" I ask, honestly not wanting to even know the answer to it.

When I was around the age of 5, I remember my dad rarely being around.

But when he was, he was actually a decent father.

At least I didn't remember any bad things that came to mind when I was younger.

He bought me sweets and toy guns, bubbles.

But then after a while, he changed.

He shouted a lot more that my mum couldn't deal with and she would lock the front doors of the house to stop him from getting in.

She filed for divorce for twice but he would always apologise to her and my mum being a religious Christian; she believed in forgiveness and would always allow him to come crawling back.

But how would it be Selena, I mean she would've been young when my dad abused me?

"Probably and maybe that's why your mom died." She whispers, looking down causing me to stop in my tracks.

"What?" I ask in shock as she closes her eyes.

She's lying.

Selena couldn't have been the reason for my mother's death.

And she hadn't known that my mom had died or mostly died cause of my dad.

"You're lying." I say, raising my voice and grabbing her close to me. "Plz tell me you're lying." I whisper, clutching onto her hands and she has a guilt look in her eyes even though she forced her stupid smirk on her face.

"And if I weren't." She whispers, looking at me blankly.

If she wasn't, I probably wouldn't control myself.

"Anything else?" I choke out on the verge of tears and she opens her mouth making my heart beat faster but quickly closes it.


"I killed your dad." Selena finally says and I feel like the air escaped from my lungs.

I always wanted him dead but fuck.

No, that's not true.

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