Part 17

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Selena's POV

I bite my lip and climb up to Justin's lips as he looks at me with confusion, but I knew he liked it. I let out a grin and wanted to kiss him, but I knew I can't.

"I'm going to keep proving you're perfect till you believe it." I smile, and he nods with tinted red cheeks causing me to giggle at his cuteness.

Ugh, why am I turning nice?

"S-should we g-go?" Justin asks nibbling on his bottom lip causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I nod but I softly grind on his crotch and he closes his eyes pushing into me.

I moan, sucking his jawline but when he's about to place his hands on my waist, I quickly stand up from him causing him to look at me with a whimper as I look at him innocently even though I knew I teased him harshly.

"The bells going to ring any second, you don't want to be late bad boy." I smirk causing him to look at me in shock before quickly getting up from the floor and out the door.

Nerds will always be nerds

"What class we got nerdy?" I ask Justin who zooms ahead, and he looks at me confused waiting for me.

What did he not know? I thought he remembered it off by heart.

"English..." He slowly says like he thought I knew.

Yeah right.

I don't even know when my birthday is, and I was supposed to know what classes I have.

"Ok." I shrug and walk to English class which I realised is like a block away from here. I groan causing Justin to look me with a chuckle like he's expecting me to do that.

"I-if we run then we could m-make me it in t-time." He says causing me to groan louder just thinking about running and trying to make class on time.

I'm a badass, why would I try to run just to go to class on time?

"Give me a piggyback ride." I command Justin causing his eyes to bob out at my suggestion even though it isn't a suggestion cause he's going to give me one.

"M-me?" Justin chokes like I had 3 heads and I nod at him confused. He looks at me and bit his lip like he's debating with himself.

He knew he doesn't have a choice right?

"Justin." I whine stepping towards him but he suddenly steps back like he's afraid that I'm going to hurt him and I look at him worriedly.

"I-I don't really feel c-comfortable with p-piggyback rides." He whispers fiddling with fingers and I let out a frown before nodding.

"Ok." I say and he releases a breath which he kept.

Well, if he isn't comfortable giving me a piggyback ride then how bout this?

I shake my head with a grin and I wrap my arms around his neck and jump on him placing my legs around his torso.

"S-Selena." Justin gasps and quickly holds my waist as if he's scared that I would fall off.

"Hurry or we're going to be late." I groan, resting my head on his shoulder and I hear him mutter something his breath that I can't quite catch before he walks.

Justin's pov

I walk to English class with Selena around my torso making sure she doesn't fall off because I feel like she would hurt me if I accidentally did.

I smile as I feel Selena tighten her arms around my neck. I don't know why but I just feel safe around her even though she has some connection with my dad who tortured me for my whole life and now thinking about it, I'm kind of scared to know the reason.

"Justin, can we go home?" Selena softly asks against my neck and I stop in my track. I let out a groan shaking my head, and I feel her frown.

"B-but we have school." I whine and continue walking.

"But I haaaate school." Selena groans softly banging her nose of my shoulder causing me to laugh whilst shaking my head.

"Whatever." I say and we finally reach English after 10 minutes and I wasn't too scared about it.

Ok, I think Selena has changed me.

I look at Selena wondering when she's going to get off as I can't really go to class with her on my torso.

"Erm, Selena you need to get off me." I sheepishly say and she says nothing causing me to bite my lip nervously.

I guess we are going like this.

Lord save me.

I open the door and saw Mr Larry looking at us in shock and his eyes squint at me and Selena's position. I could see the guys giving me a thumbs up and the girls winking at me causing me to chuckle before I stop as I look at Mr Larry.

"Justin and Selena detention for being late." My Larry shouts giving me a detention slip and handing on to Selena but he couldn't as Selena wasn't bothered to get off me and face him.

"Selena get off of Justin and grab your detention slip." Mr Larry groans and looks at me gesturing to take Selena off.

"Erm Selena." I awkwardly ask poking her side and she groans still not waking up. So I poke her once again.

"SHUT UP, I'M TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP." Selena shouts causing me to jump up and I look at Mr Larry who had a red face.

Everyone laughs and I can feel Selena groan again and she pushes herself off me with a confused expression before turning around with a shocked look.

"Well, you could've told me we were here." Selena mumbles to me and I scoff at her looking away as Mr Larry looks at us with an angry expression.

"BOTH OF YOU OUT TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE." Mr Larry shouts pointing his hand to the door and I look at him shocked.

I've never been to the principle's office.

Well, only if I won an award or something or to tutor someone but not for detention.

"Fine." Selena shrugs turning away like she didn't care.

Well, probably because she didn't.

I trail after her but stop her causing her to look at me confused.

"I can't do this, I don't want to be a bad boy and ruin my chances of getting a good college cause of you." I say angrily at her and she looks at me with an angry expression as well.

"Justin, I never told you, that you had to. Ok, remember we had a deal that you would listen to me if you want to date Jade ok and you accepted it when you could've denied, so don't pin this on me." Selena scoffs and walks away from me.

Ok, she had a point but was this all necessary?

"Fine, but you know we have to go to the principles office?" I sigh, looking at her and she turns around looking at me with a smirk which I didn't like.

"But I think its time to tell you how I know your dad." Selena smirks, causing me to gulp.



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