chapter 7

268 8 16

Justin's POV

I wake up and notice a body next to me.

I look to my side and see Selena.

Why am I in Selena's house?

My eyes painfully drift shut as I remember last night.

Phew, my dad wasn't here when she was in my room, I don't know what would have happened.

I try to move but I groan and stay where I am as everything in my body hurts. I try to keep quiet so I don't wake Selena up; I look at the clock and see it's 4 am.

Ugh, dad is going to murder me when I get back home and I mean literally. 

I feel Selena snake her arm along my waist and I look at her to notice she's still asleep.

One of her fingers slip under my shirt that has ridden up and I can't help but suck in a breath as the sudden goosebumps that I feel.

I look to see a piece of her hair covering her face and I instantly place it behind her ear.

I don't realise how beautiful she really is.

I mean even without makeup, but in a friendly way. It's not like I'm in love with her or something. I mean she's helping me to get Jade to like me and she's a bad girl and me, a nerd.

It won't work anyway, even if opposites attract.

I sigh as I try to forget everything about my life and instead I place my head on her shoulder.

This was the first time I could actually sleep peacefully, and it was all because of Selena.

Wait are we even friends?

I can't help but suddenly notice drool coming out Selena's mouth and I laugh a little. I grab my phone and take a picture but forget to turn my phone silent and I see Selena's eyes wide open.

Woah she scared me.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" She asks suspiciously and I shake my head lying.

Oh no.

"Oh, really so why is your phone right in front of my face?" She asks mockingly, and I quickly put my phone back into my pocket and get up from the bed.

"W-well I-I e-erm..." I stutter nervously as she looks at murderously but jokingly.


"Justin, give me your phone." She demands as her eyes twitch a little but I smile and run out of the room laughing.

Woah where did this confidence come from?

I hear her shout my name and I snicker before hiding behind the sofa. I peek from the corner and see her looking behind the doors and into the other room.

I slowly stand up but I accidentally knock down the t.v remote. I see her come into the room and she smirks.

"Found you." She whispers angrily and runs towards me but I dodge her and run straight to her room. I look around and realised I'm trapped. I'm about to run out but she comes in.

She's out of breath and holding onto the door making me chuckle a little.

"Do not laugh at me, nerd, ok I ain't good at running." She snarls and I frown a little, because I don't like being called a nerd. I think she notices as she changes the subject.

"Now give me your phone." She growls walking towards me. I do the first thing that comes to my mind and put my phone in my underwear. She would not go in my underwear and fish it out.

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