Part 22

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Part 23

Selena's POV

"Let me go." I groan, biting my lip to hide the moan I wanted to release.

His lips attack my neck while his hands grip onto my waist, pushing me against my erection even more.

"I want you Sel." Justin whispers, against my shoulder and I feel my eyes close in his neck.

He's playing me, isn't he?

I told him; I killed his mum even if it wasn't the full truth but I didn't say it so why was he acting so different and like he was obsessed with me?

His hands slide down to my ass gripping before sliding to my front. I let out a breath and shake my head.

"Jay, why are you doing this?" I whisper, pushing him off of me and he shake his head like he was holding back on something.

"What, I'm not doing anything." he says, innocently looking at me and I gulp, feeling weak underneath his eyes.

I glare at him. "I told you your mum died so you are doing 'anything', first you started hating me, then made out with Jade and now you're acting like you're into me, why are you doing this Justin?" I groan as a feeling of used ran through my body.

He looks at me with an unknown expression before pushing me against the wall this time a little harsher.

"Guess that for me to know and that's for you to shut up." Justin smirks, causing me to realise that's what exactly I said to his dad. 

Wait, he wasn't comparing me to his dad, was he?

I let out a sigh as I honestly was exhausted. "Are you doing this for what your dad did your mum, for what I did to them, huh is this revenge?" I grit my teeth together in anger and he growls, tightening his grip on my hands.

"Don't act like you're fucking innocent Sel okay, you're the one that gave him drugs that changed him into the fucking dick he is now. You're the reason he killed my mum." Justin screams, placing his hands on my waist and digging his nails into it causing see to clutch onto his shoulders tightly.

My mouth opens but instantly closed.

I was only 5 when I gave his dad the drugs.

A type of drug that made him go crazy in seconds.

I didn't even know what it was called because I thought it was bloody mints.

I gave Jeremy the drugs by accident; I didn't want to give it to him but he persuaded me and I listened to him and gave it.

I still remember it like it was yesterday

"Hey Sel" I saw dad's friend wave to me and I smiled skipping closer towards him.

"Hey uncle Joe" I let out a giggle when I approached him as he twirled me around.

"You shouldn't be here kiddo, your dad doesn't know about this place and he shouldn't, you really got to stop coming here, sweetie" uncle Joe frowned causing me to falter my smile as I enjoyed being here

The badass and the nerd (jelena story)Where stories live. Discover now