Part 15

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Selena's POV

"One day I'm going to prove how amazing you are, inside and outside." I whisper and place my lips against his. I feel his lips twitch under mine like he's trying hard not kiss me.

Well, how about we change that?

I pull him closer and wrap my arms around his neck and he finally kisses me back but before I create a make out; I pull apart from the kiss leaving my lips to tingle a little.

"E-erm." Justin whispers, looking down with red cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck.

Aw,, I made him blush.

"Okay.... let's just go school." I laugh, smiling at him, and he looks at me nodding with his blushing cheeks.

I nod and walk downstairs with Justin trailing behind me. I walk to my bike and hop on waiting for Justin to get on but he stops right in front of me with a confused face.

"H-how do I-I explain my absence of school and m-my bruises?" He asks worriedly and I bite my lip.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

"I got it." I smirk even though I don't have a clue but I didn't want him to worry about it right now.

"O-ok." He sighs and hops on behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and he places his chin on my left shoulder. I smile and drive to school.

At school

I park my bike and I and Justin both hop off.

"Sellllly." I hear screams behind me that burst my eardrums and I cover my ears to see Justin doing the same.

"Hey guys." I smile, turning around to see Jade and Perry smiling widely.

"Where were you, you weren't here for like a week?" Perry asks with a frown and then her eyes wander to Justin and her lips turn into a smirk.

"Who's this hottie?" Jade smiles walking towards Justin and I laugh as I see Justin's eyes widened at Jade but his lips turning into a smile.

See how clothes can change a person.

As I look at jade, I can't help but think back to the fact that Justin had a crush on jade.

And she's a better influence that I would be on him.

She didn't kill her dad so.

"This is Justin, he's totally your type." I smirk at Jade causing her to blush slightly as I look to see Justin do the same.

Aren't I a good cupid?

"Why, is he some type of bad boy?" Perry smirks at Justin and he looks at me with his eyes widened but I smirk, pulling his close to me.

"Yup the latest of the bad." I say and Justin looks at me confused, more in horror but I ignore too.

He needed to lose his nerdiness if he wanted to be popular and date Jade.

"I-I'm n---" "Just, follow my lead" I whisper in his ear and he hesitantly nods causing me to smile but I feel bad for making him change himself.

"You see his bruises on his neck and cheek, he got into a fight with dad and Justin definitely won but I mean Justin's dad is a dick, anyway." I smirk and I feel Justin's hand grip onto mine harshly causing me to wince.

"Ow " I whisper and Justin looks at me before letting go quickly with an apologetic look. 

"Really?" Jade and Perry both gasps but I could tell they're intrigued by Justin.

"Yup." I say and he pulls me closer towards him.

"Why did you drag my dad into this, I wanted it to be a secret?" He whispers angrily and I sigh.

Jeez, doesn't he know I'm trying to help him?

"Shut up Justin." I growl at him and I pull apart from him. I ignore him calling my name and look at Jade.

"So you guys aren't anything right?" Jade asks confused looking at both of us and I look to see I'm holding Justin's hand and I quickly let go causing Justin to look at me confused.

"Nope, he's all yours." I laugh awkwardly and hear the bell ring.

"Shit, I'm going to be late." I hear Justin mutter under his breath causing me to chuckle.

"Don't worry, Jade will think that's hot." I smirk dragging him with me. He nods and I go to my locker to see which lesson we have.

"We have History " Justin whispers, looking down and I look at him confused.

"Do you know your time table from the heart?" I ask shocked and he looks at me before tilting his head with a nod.

Jeez, he is an enormous nerd. He's lucky he's hot.

"Justin don't be a nerd in public will you?" I laugh and walk towards history class. I open the door causing everyone to look at me and well Justin as well who has his eyes widened.

I'm guessing he isn't used to being popular.

Well, he's a nerd so

"Selena, why are you late?" Miss Wood groans but her eyes stop at Justin. Probably because he's a nerd and the teacher's pet.

"Justin, what happened to you?" She asks shocked completely ignoring me.

Well, I'm feeling the love.

"He got into a fight." I quickly say before Justin says anything.

"Get in dude." A jock shouts and I laugh causing Justin to laugh as well.

"Justin and Selena, detention for being late and disrupting the class well, sit in your seats " Miss Woods shouts and I nod but I see Justin gasp.

"That's my first detention ever." He whispers looking at me and I shake my head laughing.

This is like my 50th.

"Ok buddy, well at least you got a reputation" I laugh, patting his shoulder and walk to my seat.

"Cause that's a good thing." He mutters under his breath and sat in the seat in front of me causing me to laugh again.


Jays missing his nerdiness


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