2: Past Best Forgotten...

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"..." Sitri stared at the wanted poster at his hands.

The demon king was currently sitting on his throne, sorting out some documents from his real castle at the underworld. Then suddenly, an informant from the humans' kingdom had given him this poster.

"The Demon Lord, Sitri. 500,000,000,000 gold." Sitri read out loud. "Destroyed 56 villages, 45 towns and 4 capitals. Also the destroyer of the kingdom Vinkaza. And currently the kidnapper of princess Eliya of Terrania. Needed ALIVE." Sitri frowned. "No. Just no." He shook his head.

The double doors suddenly swung open, with Ani coming inside while skipping again. She turned happily to her master. "Good morning master!"

Sitri looked at the beaming girl. "You look happy."

"Yep, yep. Me and the princess went really wild last night." She nodded to herself.

"Went... wild?" Sitri rose his eyebrow.

"Uhuh! You know, playing, role playing then parties!" Ani jumped in front of him, finishing her skip.

"Oh." Sitri relaxed.

"How about you? You look annoyed. Again." Ani giggled.

"Yes. It's this poster." He showed her the paper.

"Ooh! That's a lot of zeroes!" Ani stared at the huge number.

"That's not the problem, it's this." He pointed at his image. "My hair style is off. It infuriates me quite badly." He suddenly stood up. "I'm going to the kingdom and have a talk to whoever drew this." Grumbling, he teleported away, leaving dark red beams where he formerly stood.

"I think he looks girly here... Hihihi." Ani stifled a laugh as she stashed the poster at her secret pocket under her dress. "I'm gonna keep this, kukuku." Then she seemingly moved towards the double door without moving her feet.


Sitri looked at the empty plaza in the middle of the city. Different taverns and houses litter everywhere, but no human can be sensed around him. Tall green trees surround the spacious site, with the leaves swaying along the calm wind. A fountain continued to work at the middle, but the usual people hanging around it was gone.

Sitri paid no mind. "Hmm? This wasn't the place I was aiming for." He mused.

"Nice one Jhina, your interception was a success." A grumpy voice said behind Sitri.

Sitri turned around, slightly surprised as he didn't sense the unknown guy anywhere. "Hey, by any chance, do you have a daughter whose name is Ani?" Sitri asked.

"I know no one with that name." It was an armored guy, the heaviest set Sitri had ever seen. He wore a huge plated armor, with a huge great sword strapped to his back. His face is hidden behind his helmet.

"Don't talk to him Thanrus, you never know what he'll do to you." A feminine voice said from the empty air beside the armored man. Then, the air began began to static, as a robed female appeared. She wore a long blue robe, with a stereotypical wizard hat donned on her crimson hair.

"Oh well, I thought you were related to Ani, since you started appearing out of nowhere too. Guess it's just magic." Sitri shrugged.

"You can drop the act, demon. Nobody has escaped us, the Chosen three." Thanrus said.

"Three?" Sitri looked around them. "Don't tell me someone's gonna appear behind me?"

A gasp was heard behind him, then a speeding blur passed to his side and towards the two persons. "He noticed me, but how?" Another figure appeared. Now, it was a girl, wearing a white short robe and a white glass on her eyes. She had her blonde hair tied to a ponytail with a white ribbon.

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